
Jeff Bezo Essay

Satisfactory Essays


Leadership Self-Assessment: Readiness (p.11)
Score 75
Interpretation 60-89: Moderate readiness for a leadership role. I see myself being able take up challenging role as a leader. I will be ready to implement important decisions with the help of other team members, and I will see myself as a team player.
Skill Development In order to improve on my leadership skills, I must overcome challenging roles, and also learn from it. I will also learn from experienced supervisors. I will also take up the leading roles in leadership assignment, most especially when it comes to group work.
Leadership Self-Assessment: Task Orientation (p.115)
Score 8
Interpretation This shows …show more content…

He is a philanthropist, he acknowledges CSR
Improvement Recommendation I think Jeff Bezos should be more flexible and pay more attention to his employees, I know he has great passion for his ideas, I think Amazon would be stronger financially if he allows the vision and ideas of his employee to be shared as well. Furthermore, Bezos’s Kindle Fire innovation will need more improvement to be able to compete with other tablets in the market, even though Jeff Bezo’s passion is just a tablet that is not as sophisticated like the IPAD and the Windows tablet, I think suggestions from other employees or experts in technology could bring in new ideas that would improve their existing product like the Kindle fire, accepting other ideas would lead to increase in profits, and he could be compared to leaders like Steve Jobs.
A. DuBrin, Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 7th ed., Pearson
B. Stone (2013) Amazon's Jeff Bezos Talks New Kindles and What He's Doing Next
B.Stone (2013). Retrieved from, S (2014) Forbes magazine.: Amazon Under Fire: What Happens When Sales Growth Isn't Enough? Retrieved from

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