1. Jesus Christ is the Son of God - Jesus Christ is the Son of God refers to His deity. Jesus is fully God. Jesus is the second member of the Trinity and He is God in the flesh. There are several passages that point to this truth. Scripture such as Romans 9:5, Hebrews 1:8, Titus 2:13, and 2 Peter 1:1 all refer to Jesus as both God and Savior. The section of Scripture that most clearly points to Jesus as God is John 1:1-18.
John 1:1-18 uses Jesus and the Word synonymously. John says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the Beginning with God”. In this passage, John is stating that Jesus always was God. He is also making a reference to the Trinity by saying that the Word was with God. This points out the difference between God, the Father, and God,
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John continues, “All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”. The creation of the heavens and earth all pointed to Jesus being our salvation and to the fact that He was there at the creation of the world. John continues and talks about John the Baptist and how he came as a witness to the light; however, John the Baptist was not the light himself. John 1:9-13 says, “The true light came into the world and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him”. This is a clear reference to Jesus’ life and ministry and a fulfillment of Isaiah 53. John concludes this passage in verses 14-18 which say, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said,
Throughout Jesus’ time here on Earth, he changed many peoples’ lives. For example, he would heal the sick everywhere he went, as well as preaching to thousands of people about God and His Salvation. The Pharisees, a group of legalistic people, were trying very hard to convict Jesus of a crime, because they did not like how he would “rewrite” the laws of the city in order to help people in need of a savior. In fact, there are three distinct times in Matthew 1-14, where Jesus “rewrites” the Jewish law in order to continue ministering to thousands, if not millions, of people.
The Gospel of John is a persuasive argument for the deity of Jesus. It concentrates on presenting Jesus as the Word (Logos), that is, God (1:1) who became a man (1:14). Thus John meticulously records the statements and describes the miracles of Jesus that can only be attributed to God Himself. Jesus called Himself the bread of life (6:35, 41, 48, 51), the light of the world (8:12; 9:5), the door for the sheep (10:7, 9), the good shepherd (10:11, 14), the resurrection and the life (11:25), the way, the truth, the life (14:6), and the true vine (15:1, 5). Each of these statements begins with the words, “I am,” recalling God’s revelation of His name, “I
John uses the word “logos” at the beginning of his gospel, which roughly translates in English to “the Word.” Our book takes this idea one step further by explaining that “Logos can mean anything from a divine utterance to the principle of cosmic reason that orders and governs the universe” (Harris, 2012: 231). This is to say that John connected Jesus to the Greek idea that He was there at the beginning of when the earth was created and given its form and order. This, therefore, also connects this entity of Jesus to that which was sitting on the right hand of God at the creation of the universe, as told to us in the first chapter of Genesis.
friends. Their speaking in foreign tongues became their badge of honor. Competitiveness emerged to see who was more orthodox and more gentle and humble. All their time was devoted to performing good deeds as hurriedly as possible, not wanting their consecration to be challenged. One easy method to prove their devotion was to discover those in hiding without the mark and reveal them to the police. Everyone believed it a duty to report to authorities anyone not giving their loyalty to sweet Jesus. When such sinful people refused to repent, and were publicly executed, Christians of the world shook their heads in disbelief. They could not imagine the extent of the depth of a fallen nature capable of blinding people to such ruin.
The perfect man lived over two thousand years ago, and no one has been perfect since. Jesus is the man everyone wants to be. He is a man of many great qualities; some of his best traits were kindness and compassion, wisdom, and patience.
There is an undeniable simplicity when reading through the bible. Most concepts, ideas and statements are so simple that children often find it easier to understand than most adults and most believe this was by design than happenstance. To prove this you can randomly open your bible, begin reading a single or multiple verses and generally find the thoughts of God intriguing no matter how uneducated you are. This simplicity allows almost everyone who reads the bible to conclude that Jesus Christ was born from a virgin, taught and preached throughout Judea, was crucified, raised from the dead on the 3rd day and ascended back into heaven. This to most is the broad goal or scope of the Gospels. To spread the message of hope through Jesus Christ throughout the four-corners of the world.
Paul is speaking of worldly Christians that are not following the Word of God, but following after Satanic ways. In today's world, we have many that profess Christ, yet they are living a materialistic life, seeking their own will instead of God's will, that are playing church and going through a pretense of a Godly way of life, that are kissing the devil, while saying I love you to Christ. That seems to be the case here. (12)
The Gospel according to John initiates with the beginning of time. Through descriptions of the beginning of time, Jesus is described as the word, the light, and the son. Later in the gospel John the Baptist is sent from God and he is by Levites and priest who he was, John emphasized the fact that he was neither the Messiah nor a prophet, but rather he was sent to announce the coming of The Lord. The next day, Jesus came to John and was baptized. While John baptized Jesus he noticed the Spirit come down on Jesus and remain, therefore concluding that Jesus was the Son of God.
Thousands of people are idolized and admired every day. However, who would be the greatest role model to admire? What actions, or feelings need to be demonstrated? Feelings of love, caring or hatred? A man who was perfect, that shown miracles, and that treated equally, and even sacrificed his life for all of us, is the perfect example of who to admire. To introduce, the man, his name is Jesus. In history, Jesus was immeasurably known as the man of perfection, and was also known as the holy one and divine in his human nature. Why do people think that Jesus was perfect? Above all things, Jesus loved everyone and people loved him back. Our savior, Jesus Christ, is the one who displayed many miracles, treated people equally, and is the one who sacrificed his life to save us all, and is truly an amazing person to admire.
For the Fourth gospel, the evangelist unveils Jesus’ ministry as “to make God known.” This implies that Jesus is the only one who is perfectly identified as the full revelation of God. He is the Word made flesh (cf. Jn. 1:14). He is the one as said in John 14:8 (Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us), and his response in verse 9 “[…] anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” It attests to the fact that Jesus is “the Father’s only Son” John. 1:18 and also reveals the unique relationship that exist between God the Father and Jesus. The second person of the Trinity through whom creation came to be becomes incarnate. Jesus who is identified as the Word in the Gospel of John takes on flesh to communicate to
John also reveals Christ’s identity, “In the beginning the Word (logos) already existed. He was with God, and he was God…He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make. Life itself was in him and this life gives light to everyone.” (John 1:1, 3-4)
In the scripture, Jesus also claims an unusual relationship with the heavenly Father, particularly in the sayings stated in the Gospel John. For example, Jesus claims to be one with the Heavenly Father (John 10: 30), and that to seeing and knowing Jesus is like seeing and knowing the Heavenly Father (John 14: 7– 9). The Apostle John’s claim in the Gospel John 1:2 that Jesus’ preexisted before the world (p. 626). Another interesting statement is found in the Gospel John 8: 58, when Jesus identifies Himself as the “I am.” Erickson notes that Jesus could have said, “I was,” but He says, “I am.” It is also possible that Jesus was giving a direct connection to the “I AM formula” by which God identified himself in Exodus 3: 14– 15. Morris notes in Jesus case (John 8:58), as in Exodus 3: 14– 15, the “I am” is a way of denoting existence. 1138
Jesus Christ is God, He has always existed and has always been God (Fairchild). John 8:58 says, “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, Truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am. ’ ” (ESV).
Jesus Christ is known by many people throughout the world as the incarnation of God. Christians believe in one God who is three persons. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit is called the Trinity. The second person, God the son also known as the Word of God became a man to save the human race. He was born in the city of Bethlehem in Israel. He was known as Jesus of Nazareth, or Jesus son of Joseph and Mary, or Jesus the son of the carpenter. As he became known and respected as a wise and holy man, people realized that there was much more to him. As knowledge of him increased among his followers, people began to call him Christ, which means “Anointed”. They came to understand that he was the fulfillment of the prophesies of the Old Testament.
The doctrine of the Logos in John 1, in the beginning God existed alone. At the same time, His plan, His thought, His mind, His reason, His expression was with Him and was Him from eternity past. In the fullness of time God manifested himself in flesh. His plan, reason, and thought was expressed or uttered. God revealed Himself. John thereby identified Jesus as the one true God of eternity past. He was not an afterthought, but the eternally foreordained revelation of God Himself.