have been asked to create a research paper on your findings about Jesus as a Jew, the Son of God and ways that Jesus is a role model today. This will be created on OneNote during Religion lessons. PART A- The Contemporary Jesus
Select an image (picture) of Jesus that appeals to you.
Write a personal reflection to identify how Jesus is a role model for Christians and Catholic schools today. In your answer you could refer to his values, his message, etc (Approximately 100 words).
Jesus is a role model for Christians and Catholic Schools today through his examples and teachings of love. He teaches us to love our neighbors, each other and our enemies as he has loved us. Christians and Catholic
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Although he was only a young boy he was a faithful and committed Jew and regularly attended the synagogue. He respected the temple and called it "His father's house" (John 2: 13-22). He observed Passover and stayed an extra 3 days at the age 12 to learn from the temple teachers, although he knew the Torah well his eagerness to listen and question the teachers indicated his love and respect for the teachers and the Jewish faith. Although he was committed to the Hebrew Scriptures he was later rejected in Nazareth when he came to read at the synagogue (Luke 4:16). He took his faith very seriously, as did his family. As he Jesus continued his journey through faith and performed his first miracle the miracle at the wedding at Cana he continued to perform miracles such as healing the sick the lepers ( Matt 8:4). The Pharisee began to see him as a threat and started setting traps and questioning him in front of his listeners/follower ( Mark 12:18-31). But despite these obstacles Jesus told all those who listened " Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil" (Matt
possibly set the best example for Catholic school life is figures of the Church themselves. One
Throughout history, there is a copious amount of notable figures who were able to change the world around them. Jesus Christ, after his crucifixion, left an imprint on the human race with the establishment of Christianity and the spread of his beliefs through his followers. His accomplishments that were recorded in the Gospels will continue through the ages, spreading his wisdom and way of thinking. Even though it would beneficial for believers to truly fathom his significance to history and the human soul, challenges ascend that hold its effectiveness back.
Jesus Christ was the perfect human being, and, Jesus was a leader. Sometimes Jesus acted as a manager,
Of all the mentors, by far the most well known and possibly most misinterpreted and misunderstood is Jesus, “son of God”, “Savior of the world”. Jesus helped those who were “less than” such as the weak, sick, poor, and persecuted. He ministered to the people about forgiveness and salvation. In the end, it was his bloodshed that allows us to ultimately gain access to
1. Select one teaching of Jesus from one of the following Bible verses: Matthew 5:21-24, Matthew 5:43-48, Matthew 6:19-24, Matthew 7:15-23, Luke 15:1-32, John 13:1-17 & 34-35, John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions:
Write a two to three-page reflection paper about an instance when you or someone you know had to be a “courageous follower.” Did it have positive results? What could have been done differently to help the situation? What is your personal stance on being a courageous follower? Refer to the text and Chaleff’s follower dimensions in support of your discussion.
Although Greenleaf’s talks briefly about Jesus as a model of servant leadership, I believe that Jesus could have been referenced more throughout his book. In his writings, Greenleaf omits any association between religion and his theory of servant leadership. The Catholic religion is founded upon servant leadership, and it is a fundamental principle that Catholics are striving to live out each day by mirroring Jesus’ actions.
This paper will introduce the definitions of Character and integrity. Then I will examine how Christ modeled these leadership defining qualities, How we can make them applicable to ourselves.
After Jesus’ childhood, he studied and worked to become a carpenter just like Joseph. He then started his teachings of the gospel around the age 30 when he was baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. As said
Throughout the class Bible and Leadership we the class have learned of leaders that caused great change. The greatest leader of the “The New Oxford Annotated Bible” the man who gave birth to the New Testament, Jesus Christ. The class textbook “The Art of Leadership” by Manning and Curtis splits leadership into three types teacher, Hero and Ruler. The book even describes Jesus as a teacher since teachers and rule breakers. It is apparent that Jesus is a rule breaker since he values worship over societal rules “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands before they eat.” Jesus answered them “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” (New Revised Standard Version, Matthew 15.2,3) Jesus rocked the establishment saying that the society should never trump the reason for society and that is the commandment. Jesus was also a hero since he was responsible for great causes and noble works. In Jesus’s time Judaism and Jewish society was based around the concept of hierarchy, some people on top but most are on the bottom. Jesus helped perpetuate egalitarian philosophy with a simple sentence “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (New Revised Standard Version, Luke 6.31). This was and still is a great cause to champion for, equality and fairness. Though the text described the concept of rulers as aggressive, cold and calculative with the likes of Napoleon, Caesar and Hitler but even though Jesus was none of those things he was still a ruler. A ruler that knew how to lead his disciples and followers.
Matthew next describes Jesus through his passionate and loving ministry. The many stories of his work among the people are evidence of who he was as a person. He was a teacher, preacher, and healer to everyone who knew of God’s righteousness. Jesus had strong faith in his Father, and it was important to him that others did as well. Jesus spoke of the proper way to live life in order to be granted eternal life. Some of the first teachings that Matthew mentions in his gospel are of Jesus’
One more thing, like Peter, he was so humble when facing the Jesus. Though as a gentile, he has no much knowledge about Jewish religion, he’s faith is simple but firm.
Servant leadership from a Christian perspective is a replica of what Jesus Christ symbolizes. Jesus was a servant because he showed truth, vision, humility, commitment, teacher to his followers, and brought about change; he was a suffering servant, yet was merciful, he was a teacher, yet willing to be taught by the Holy Spirit. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
There are many people in scripture that God has placed in leadership roles. Jesus himself, David, Moses, Paul, Peter, Abraham and many others are some of those leaders. There are core attributes discussed in the lecture that personally reflect my opinion of what an effective leader of Christ needs such as, a shared vision, model of the way, empowerment of others, challenge of the process, and encouragement of the heart. Leaders establish a model of the way others should be treated and how goals should be pursued, with standards and examples of what others should follow by exemplifying God’s example. Christian leaders inspire a shared vision to make a difference
The ministry of Jesus began when Jesus was 30 years old, after his baptism in the river Jordan. Within three and a half years of his ministry Jesus did more miracles than any man in the world could have accomplished. He preached about the ways of changing lives and often gave parables to educate people. Even though he was rejected Jesus continued to spread the gospel in different cities around Israel, including Capernaum and Bethsaida.