
Jesus as a role model

Decent Essays

Good morning/afternoon year 11 and Ms. Taddeo. Today I will be presenting my speech to discuss why jesus is the role model for Christian life. The Christian tradition has viewed Jesus as the perfect role model because he was sinless. Jesus lived his life providing principles, teachings and messages that are to be emulated by his followers. These teachings are evident in all aspects of christianity and have become the foundation for Christians as to how we are to live our lives. Many texts throughout the New Testament further exemplify the understanding of Jesus as the perfect role model, including John 13:15, “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.” The key components of Christian life include …show more content…

Also as followers of Christ, we are encouraged through Jesus’ teachings to know our obligations to assist those in need in order to be Christians. This teaching can be found in Luke 18: 22-23, where Jesus told a young, rich ruler that he was to “Sell all that you own and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” But the young man did not have the qualities to be a disciple of Jesus, because he showed that his love for his riches was greater than his love for God and was reluctant to give up his possessions. Jesus’ examples of compassion for the poor, marginalised and dispossessed have shaped how Christians practice acts of mercy towards people of need. These acts of empathy are one of the many reasons why Christians view Jesus as the perfect role model.

Jesus is the ultimate role model for Christian life because he loved unconditionally, he forgave, he lived a life of prayer, he was compassionate towards the poor, marginalised and dispossessed as well as many other things. As well as living his life practicing these qualities, Jesus has also taught these principles to his followers as a guide to live their life by. These teachings, messages and principles are imitated through the lives of Christians as a way of following the commands of God, and have become the foundation as to how we are to live our lives as his

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