
Elizabeth Liberation Theology Chapter Summary

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In cases of severe poverty and suffering, people may often find themselves asking, “where is God?” People often challenge the church as well as God’s power and wonder how such suffering could be. God has a plan for everyone and provides faith for those in impoverished situations, but can not control every poor decision made that sends such an unfortunate number of humans into despair. Jesus, who was poor himself, focused on the poor and suffering people, and any legitimate church will provide help to those who have historically been marginalized or deprived of their rights. All church doctrine should grow out of the perspective of the poor. Defending the rights of the poor is seen as the central aspect of the gospel.Chapter four of Elizabeth …show more content…

It also explores how this liberation fits into the ultimate salvation. Liberation theology was founded in a time when poor decisions led to widespread poverty, “In Latin America, decisions made by European conquerors in the 16th century – and continued by their descendants – led to widespread poverty and oppression. For centuries, Catholic Church leaders were complicit in this situation; but by the second half of the 20th century, Latin American theologians were developing Liberation Theology.” (Johnson, 71) Rahner’s theology on how understanding God began with human experience applies to liberation theology. People experiencing oppression or poverty can find it most useful and real. God is an all powerful being that allows poverty and suffering, but eternal life will provide peace and justice. Liberation theology quickly spread, people began to gather into small groups called base communities. As they heard and discussed the Scriptures, the poor began to learn that God loves them, too. They also learned that in situations of misery like theirs, God is not neutral but has “a preferential option for the poor. (Johnson, 73) This chapter brings to life “The Living God’ because God is with people in poverty and suffering in their daily life. Liberation theology provided hope in faith in those under the force …show more content…

After reading this chapter and what I have learned in class, liberation theology is something I would use to guide my faith in God and hope in life for eternal peace. However, I am blessed to not have faced immense poverty or oppression in my own life. But everyone goes through tough times, and whenever I struggle or face sadness or feel lost, I turn to God, my religion provides me with hope and safety. I would of course encourage people of any faith or religious backgrounds to seek and find God or faith in general. Faith in something, it is an indescribable sense of hope in one's life. Most importantly, to be kind to one another. To release the toxic practices and oppression of others based on skin color, race, sex, political or economical status. God loves all of his people, his creations; we must love each other to make steps forward in the face of all of this suffering. Help others, they may need something you have or can give advice about, extend help and offer

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