
Jet Blue Essay

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Jet Blue Airways: Case Study 1. Draw up a SWOT analysis and describe JetBlue’s Strategy. Strengths * Low cost airline fares and operations * Experienced management * Creating demand in under-served markets * Customer service oriented (i.e. leather seats with more legroom, in-flight entertainment, better refreshments than competition) * Political backing and support * Competitive pay and benefits increasing employee retention Weaknesses * Sustaining low cost fares and operations with a down economy * Unpredictability of the market * Political backing and support * Does not run service to all major airports Opportunities * Increased destinations (inside and outside the U.S.) * …show more content…

This results in happy employees that support the company values which, in my opinion, directly relates to the key successes of JetBlue. Benefits Customized employee pay and benefit packages the meet or exceed the industry standards. These packages were modeled based on what was more important to the employee and their needs. Medical benefits started on the employees first day which eliminated the “probation” period. Technology Each pilot was provided with a laptop which had all the required flight and operations manuals, software to do the load and flight planning, and communications software loaded on. This did two things: first it minimized the amount of employees JetBlue would need to complete these tasks, and second, it made these tasks easier for the pilots to complete which allowed them time to work on other important factors of their job. 6. Would JetBlue be an attractive career option for a pilot? I believe JetBlue would be an attractive career option for a pilot. The technology in which each pilot is provided with a laptop loaded with the required flight and operations manuals, software to do the load and flight planning, and communications software has simplified their job and created a safer environment. This technology has freed up the pilot's time which allows them to work on other important factors of their job. In addition to the technology, the employee culture and

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