
Jjy Case

Satisfactory Essays

What would you do if you were accused of the murder of your ex? A guy named Adnan Syed was accused of the murder of Hae his ex girlfriends they had a good relationship till the day it ended and even after they were still friends. But was it Adana or his friend Jay let me tell you a little bit about jay, Adnan and Jay were really good friends and they did a lot together they were basically unstoppable but you killed hae has it Adnan or Jay? I believe that Adnan Syed is innocent and didn't kill his Hae.

Jay behavior was very weird he left out parts of his story like the camera at the store. In the pod cast it says the shovels were jays so he went and wiped the shovels off. Jay went back to the place where the dumb them and he wiped the shovels of so his hand print wouldn't be …show more content…

Ashia saw Adnan at the library so that means he wasn't near lincoln park Also that means he wasn't with jay. Or where jay is saying they were. If Ashia saw Adnan at the library and his coach says he was maybe at track that is a pretty strong alibi but they never really brought these points up in trial. Adana had a witness and she said that she saw him at the library so how did he kill her when he was at the library and his coach says he could have been a track. Why would they still think he did it when someone saw him at the library he couldn't be two places at once.

Adnan Syed is guilty and he killed his ex Hae they broke up maybe he didn't want anyone else to have her. Adnan Syed is guilty because the cell records the cell phone records place Adana where hae’s body was found on the day she went missing. When jay told his story about what happened that day the cell phone records match on every point that jay said. If Adana’s phone was at the park where hae’s body was found we can pretty much say that Adana was there to. Adnan is guilty because he phone says he was a lincoln

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