
Joan of Arc: Revolutionist of Female Power

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In the world of medieval patriarchy, independent, powerful women were scarce. With such a social pyramid, Joan of Arc brightly stands out in history. Joan of Arc, born in Domremy, France in 1412, was an embodiment of a strong, female figure; she was determined and followed her beliefs, not those of society surrounding her. She placed her beliefs into action without reluctance of fear. Thus, she was a revolution in the role of female leaders during the time of the patriarchy. Her whole life story is a pedestal of female empowerment. Joan of Arc was not always regarded as a hero or a warrior. Joan’s original home was in the province of Lorraine, France, and she continued living there throughout her childhood. Joan referred to herself as Jehanne la Pucelle, meaning Joan the Maid. Joan never imagined being a figure of feminine power in modern history; she had never foreseen the fame that she would acquire in the world of history. She began as a simple daughter of Jacques d’Arc and Isabelle Romée. The summer of 1424 was the date when Joan’s adventure began. Joan was the age of thirteen. While in her father’s garden, she was visited by a glistening voice; it was claimed to be that of an angel or of God. Joan was told that France was in a grave state of disharmony; she was told to be a Good Samaritan and to behave to help France. Joan followed the instructions from the disembodied voice, serving her people with kindness and committing to daily prayer. Joan was visited multiple

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