
Johannes Kepler Research Paper

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Johannes Kepler: A Man of Math
Johannes Kepler was born in a small town in Germany during the late sixteenth century. His discoveries helped change the world and influence people such as Isaac Newton who actually derived his universal law of gravitation from Kepler’s Laws. Kepler learned many things such as what causes the oceans tides and had his own version of Fermat’s Last Theorem called Kepler’s Last Theorem. Kepler even proved logarithms and developed volumes of solids by revolution which contributed to calculus. Kepler is probably most noted, however, for formulated his three laws of planetary motion.
Kepler was born in the small town of Weil der Stadt in Germany, formerly part of the Holy Roman Empire, on December 27, 1571, at about 1 p.m. His father, Heinrich Kepler, was a mercenary soldier, and he was killed fighting in Holland when Johannes was young. Johannes' mother, Katharina Guldenmann, was an herbalist and worked at her father's inn. It is she who actually sparked Johannes’s interest in astronomy. She would take him out during nights to show …show more content…

The constant is equal to 4π2G(Ms+Mp). In the picture, ‘a’ is the semimajor axis which is the distance between the perihelion and aphelion points on the planet’s orbit. The proof for this also involves more physics than calculus and is almost entirely algebra. Kepler finished his third law in 1619.
In 1616, Kepler was working for Mästlin computing astronomical tables. It was then that he learned about logarithms from Mästlin. Mästlin warned Kepler to not trust logs because they were not understood. So, Kepler took it upon himself to mathematically prove how logarithms work. In 1628, Kepler published tables of eight-figure logarithms he had calculated with the Rudolphine

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