
John Smith And The Poahatan Dilemma Summary

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Slide 1: Introduction/Pocahontas’ face
Pocahontas and John Smith may be the most famous and best known part of history of the original Jamestown settlement of 1607. As a popular Disney film star, stories of Pocahontas’ life began creating our own pop culture idea of what really happened during the first attempt at colonizing the new world.

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This is a very important time in the history of our country, and we have little documentation supporting the theories of events that historians have come up with. We rely on the love story of Smith and Pocahontas as one of the few we can recollect. However, some historians would beg to ask the question; do we really know what happened between Pocahontas and John Smith?

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Walt …show more content…

Townsend’s depiction paints a clear view that this story is just that: a story. She adds that Pocahontas and John Smith did in fact come in contact but much different from that of the Disney film.

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Reading both of these depictions confused me even more. Both Townsend and Price’s books were based on almost the exact same evidence, but came to two very different conclusions. This made me wonder; where did the confusion start? This is a story that we all know, so where did the story come from if the components itself are so debatable?

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This led me to the only eye witness who left any documentation about the contact between the two; John Smith. However, Smith’s writings are just as inconsistent as historians make them out to be. In in the months after the rescue supposedly occurred, Smith used words like “friendship” and makes no mention of any threat or a rescue, when describing his encounter with Powhatan.

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This important part of our history has been reduced down to a fairy-tale which yields students and learners from knowing the truth about the encounters of our past.

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Camilla Townsend also adds in her historical writing that if we focus on the rescue story of John Smith we lose sight of what is really important, which is the significance of Pocahontas. She was more than just the daughter of a tribe leader he met, her marriage to John Rolfe proved diplomacy and powerful interactions among the natives and English people.

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Historian Helen Rountree adds to this notion by writing that the story of a young women who had been deeply connected to her own tribe’s culture, that had been forcibly and then willing baptized is a poor representation of what the encounters were truly like. According to her, this story also nobelizes and glorifies the ways that the English would spread their

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