
Joker: Death In The Family

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The Joker: Death in the family
(Joker, tore off his face just the year before).
Joker made his return to Gotham by attacking the GCPD and recovering his preserved face, and killing 19 police officers in the process. He’s angry by this point, and ready to make his reappearance evident and clear that he’s back. He later televises a warning, through the son of his first victim, in which Mayor Hady will die that night. The officers assigned to protect Hady were killed by a combination of chemicals, in which Hady survived. Batman analyzes the chemical compound and found three inert ingredients, whose initials spell A C E, which then lead him to the ACE Chemical plant, the place where Joker was originally disfigure. He encounters a person dressed as the Red Hood (Joker’s first, of many aliases), and is struck into an empty chemical vat. The Hood (which turned out to be Harley Quinn), warns Batman that Joker is not the same, somethings changed (when Joker first came back, he made sure Harley was the first to know). Batman managed to escape the vat before it filled with chemicals. …show more content…

Batman saves Commissioner Gordon after he is poisoned with a powerful blood thinner. He then went to the Gotham Reservoir, the first place he faced off against the Joker. He reveals that he has already reenacted his earlier crime, where he kill several people and blew up the reservoir (which then also injured Nightwing). Joker immobilized Batman, and states his plan to kill each of the Bat-family, believing they have made the Batman weak, pathetic. Joker claimed to know their true identities, and planned on eliminating them all, one by

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