Joshua and Caleb were described by God as men of complete courage and faith. Their speech and actions proved that their commitment to God was as immense as their knowledge of their almighty God. Joshua and Caleb were among the twelve spies whom Moses sent to explore the “Promised Land.” And in exploring the land, Joshua and Caleb distinctively saw God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, and truthfulness that they strongly persuaded God’s people to go up and possess the land. They believed that God would fight for them and defeat these godless people living in the land of their inheritance which God gave to their forefathers. (Numbers 13:30) However, the other ten spies saw sure death and defeat if they fight the giants and great fighters of Canaan …show more content…
However, God promised Joshua (who pledged to serve God with his family) and Caleb (who unconditionally trusted God and patiently waited for God’s promise to be realized) to enter the land of milk and honey because they followed Him wholeheartedly. Furthermore, God declared in their hearing that He would let their descendants inherit their inheritance” (Numbers 14:22-25). What can Christians learn from the life and testimony of Joshua and Caleb and the Israelites? Joshua and Caleb teach Christians to trust God at all times and in all situations unconditionally and must not to doubt Him by trusting their own understanding, like the grumbling Israelites; For God does not have pleasure with those who are faithless and His wrath destroys those who disobey Him, including their families. (Numbers 14:11-12) However, His favor goes well with those who loves and seeks His pleasure. Hence, Christians must fight and defend God’s cause and firmly stand for Him even when others will not. Be God pleasers and not man
Jay received the inbound pass in the last two minutes of the game.As time was ticking on the clock,Jay pushed the ball down the court,looking to score,but instead decided to kick the ball out to his open teammate Jordan Plaster,which led to a buzzer beating shot to send the boys to the playoffs. Jay Book was one of the , or if not the most popular kid in school. Everyone wanted to be Jay Book. He was also the star point guard of the basketball team at Berea High School. He was a ladies man for sure, sometimes teachers would catch him skipping class just to be with a girl.
Joseph Francis Girzone is a priest. Advised by his doctor to withdraw from administrative work, he immediately set about a new career as a writer and philosopher. Though only 54 years old at the time he wrote the book, his experience as a priest had been unusual. He worked with teenage gangs in New York, and in the local mining area of Pennsylvania. He taught in schools most of his life, and worked in parishes at the same time. He was chairman of a government human rights commission which settled a jail riot and mediated racial tensions in public schools. On numerous occasions, he was called upon to negotiate in prison disturbances.
Chapter three of Engaging the Christian Scriptures goes into detail over selective parts of the sections of history, writings, and prophets. Chapter three gives the reader information over several books in the Bible such as Joshua, Judges, Jeremiah, etc. The chapter dives into the text of Joshua and gives the reader useful insight over Joshua and him leading the Israel across the Jordan river to conquer the land of milk and honey, Jericho. The book of Judges purpose was to teach Israel that God is faithful and certain to punish sin therefore each person must remain loyal and devoted to the Lord. The purpose of Jeremiah was to warn of the destruction that they were about to face and to urge Judah to return and submit to God. Towards the end
Elijah James Beckett was born in London, England, on July 21, 1988. At the time of his birth, Elijah's father, Alastair Beckett, had been the VP of a London based motorcycle club. The club was known for gun running, prostitution, distribution of drugs and much more. Growing up, Elijah often witnessed the rebellious and sometimes hectic lifestyle that came with being so close to the MC. Elijah's mother, Bridget, had tried her best to shield her son from the darker aspects of that life, but it always managed to slip through the cracks, and so Elijah seen more than any child should when it came to a life of crime.
Many people believe in God,for he would give them rod,save them in the disaster. However,God not always help people and with kindness. In my opinion ,on the one hand ,he want to protect his people sometimes ,and hates the Pharoah’s Destruction . On the other hand,,he would not help people unless they believe in him and obey him . He just took advantage of his rod to acquire respect and obedience . He even likes a Pharaoh who pretends to be kind just wants to meet his vanity . They spend many years of their journey from Egypt to Canaan ,there were hard things to bear in the wilderness even enemies also in the way . Though they met many difficulties ,they never give up and believed that God wold keep his promise that he will give them a part
Joshua Tree is a beautiful National Park to visit because of its interesting ecosystem to learn about. The Parks location is in Yucca Valley, which is 37 miles north of Palm Springs, in Southern California. The Park maxes out with 789,745 acres of rich desert filled with amazing 5,813 feet mountain views, hills of irregularly stacked rocks used for rock climbing, great trails for hiking showing off Joshua trees rick populations of desert species, and has an average all-around temperature of 26.4 degrees Celsius with only 11.9 cm of rain per year. The species of animals you may be able to encounter are coyotes, mountain lions, screech-owls, red diamond rattlesnakes, roadrunners, tarantulas, desert tortoises, kangaroo rats, and big horn sheep.
Even in the days of Jeroboam I, the man who founded the Kingdom of Israel, God already knew that Israel would be troublesome. It was forewarned that, “…the LORD will strike Israel, so that it will be like a reed swaying in the water. He will uproot Israel from this good land that he gave to their forefathers and scatter them beyond the River, because they provoked the LORD to anger by making Asherah poles.” The Israelites’ reason of doubt for God was that they were unsure that they could take over their promised land. God told them that they could remove the current inhabitants, but they were convinced that they could not. Not believing in the word of the Lord led to their exile for forty years of “wilderness wandering.” They had forgotten all of the great things that He had done for them, such as delivering them from Egyptian enslavement. Hope was given up on Him
A problem with Joshua Tree right now is pollution, by the park being only a little more than a hundred miles from Los Angles, Joshua Tree is able to get a lot of air pollution by the wind pushing it to the park. With this air pollution visitor cannot see the views and has caused Joshua Tree to be ranked to have the highest level of ozone pollution of any of the U.S. National Parks. The air pollution cause nitrogen to build up in Joshua Tree which cause very fertile soil which allows non-native plants to be produced. The pollution also causes an acid rain by the sulfur dioxide and the oxides of nitrogen reacting with water and oxygen causing the acid deposition. The acid rain causes Joshua trees to weaken by limiting the nutrients available
At first glance Joshua seems to just be a story of the Israelites and the settling of the Promised Land, however, there may also be a prophetic vision of God’s plan for Salvation of His people. The book of Joshua shows the difference between living a life, like Moses, under the Law of the Old Testament and under the freedom, which came from Jesus Christ, as Joshua did. One could certainly make a strong case that Joshua 1-6 can be looked at as a metaphor of Jesus Christ and man’s salvation through Him. The evidence ranges from Joshua’s name to the meaning of the Jordan River. The implications would mean that God was discretely showing the Israelites His plan for future salvation well over a thousand years before Christ.Joshua chapters
In addition to the Pentateuch, the Old Testament books of the Deuteronomistic history reveal the theme of God’s faithfulness to his followers. Initial examples are found in the conquest of the Promised Land depicted in the book of Joshua. Throughout the Israelite campaign to oust natives and settle the land, God’s actions demonstrate his faithfulness. In one instance God uses Rahab to hide Israelite spies, while in several other situations he allows the Israelites to defeat its foes. From these actions, it is clear that God remained faithful to his promise with Abraham (to provide his descendents with land). In addition to Joshua, the book of Judges provides an example of God’s faithfulness. Throughout the book, Israel repeatedly is unfaithful to God and is conquered by foreign powers. In response to Israelite cries for help, God repeatedly raises up
Joshua answered,“You heard the instructions that I commanded the people to do. You must obey it just as everyone else and you will be a part of God's never ending victorious army.”
God was extremely faithful to Israel when they were in the desert. He used miracles to provide for them. He provided food and water. He made sure their clothes would not wear out. God loves his people.
I can only imagine how Joshua felt as he got up that first day without Moses to lead the people. How the people felt as they stared across the Jordan at the land they were going into and its inhabitants. Fear, excitement, sadness, regret, doubt they were probably all there in equal measure. In the midst of this mix of feelings God speaks to Joshua and tells him to be strong and courageous and to keep the law and that He will be with them.
Because of Joshua's faith and obedience to God, he was able to lead the children of Israel across the Jordan
Many contemporary Christians feel that the Old Testament does not apply to them because they are living under a New Covenant with new requisites, and that the Old Testament has a far off God and not like the personal narrative of God in the New Testament with Jesus or the Holy Spirit. However, Christians need to understand that the Old Testament is not just about covenants and requisites, but the Old Testament is about God connecting to His people so that they might draw closer to Him. Christians ought to read the Old Testament to keep God’s commands, to understand that He does not change, and to learn how the Old Testament applies to their faith. Hence, Christians should understand the context of the Old Testament better to comprehend what the text is saying about God and His children drawing closer.