
Jospeh Aloisius Ratzinger´s Steps as Pope Benedict XVI Essay

Decent Essays

Pope Benedict XVI’s birth name was Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger. He was born on April 16th, 1927. His homeland is Bavaria, Germany and he was born in his parents’ home at 8:30 in the morning. Benedict served as pope from 2005 until his resignation in 2013. He was elected pope following the death of Pope John Paul II. Joseph was ordained into the priesthood in 1951. He was considered a highly knowledgeable theologian and was appointed a professor in 1958. His writings defended the Catholic doctrine and values. Ratzinger was baptized the same day he was born. He was the third child and also was the youngest of three. Benedict’s brother dedicated his life as a catholic as well, and became a priest. Joseph trained in the German infantry. He …show more content…

In his footsteps I place my ministry in the service of reconciliation and harmony between peoples. Additionally, I recall Saint Benedict of Nursia, copatron of Europe, whose life evokes the Christian roots of Europe. I ask him to help us all to hold firm to the centrality of Christ in our Christian life: May Christ always take first place in our thoughts and actions.” Benedict celebrated his first canonizations on October 23rd 2005 in St. Peter’s square. Pope Benedict wrote three encyclicals; Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi, and Caritas in Veritate. In Benedict’s first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, he said that human being created in the image of God who is love, is able to practice love. His first encyclical contains about 16,000 words in 42 paragraphs. His second encyclical titled, Spe Salvi, is about the virtue of hope. His third and final encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, continued the Church’s teachings on social justice. Benedict travelled a lot during his first three years as pope. He traveled to Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and Muslim. In 2007, he visited Brazil to address the Bishops’ Conference and canonize Friar Antonio Galvao. April 2008, his first visit to the United Sates since becoming pope took place. He arrived in Washington DC, where he was sent to the White house and met privately with the President, George W. Bush. He also met with victims of sexual abuse by

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