
Judaism Compare And Contrast

Decent Essays

The topic I choose to write about is Judaism. Like other religions, there are differences in the religion. I decided to compare and contrast the different types of Judaism. Writers compare and contract in order to understand their similarities and differences ( Vandermey 2012 pg. 182 ). Judaism is a monotheistic religion. Judaism is 3,500 years old, is the oldest of the monotheistic religions. The first attestation of the word “Judaism” occurs in 2 Maccabees, a Greek abridgment of a history of the Maccabean revolt that was written ca. 124 BCE References Satlow, M. L. (2006). Monotheism is the worship of a single powerful God. The prefix of mono means one. Monotheism usually tends to affirm the expressions such as absolutism which is the acceptance of or belief in absolute principles of the …show more content…

If you really dissect each religion you will find that they have more in common than differences. They all promote love for God and mankind.The Jewish tradition stems from Abraham's covenant with God. Jews believe that God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be the father of a great people if he followed God's instructions. The covenant was the promise God made with Abraham that his people would be sacred and give them a holy land. Judaism is a tradition grounded in the religious, ethical, and social laws as they are articulated in the Torah which is the Jewish holy book. There are several different sects in the Jewish religion such as Reformed, Conservative, and Orthodox Jews. The main difference between the belief systems is the approach to Torah and the implications of that approach. It is how a Jewish community interact with Torah that defines them as Conservative Jews ( Grossman 2005

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