Hello people of Rome, I am Jenna and I am running your dictator. Dictators are only to be called upon in times of crisis, I believe the time is now. Rome is in turmoil, our military resources are at an all time low, there is unrest between plebeians and patricians, and the people of Rome's hunger for artistic and intellectual excellence has disappeared. I have concluded that the cause for this crisis is the lack of a strong and able leader. Under my rule I will invest more in our military, as governments main job is the protection of its citizens. I will work to find peace amongst the classes of Rome through representation based on numbers. I will refocus our citizens on not only achieving superiority of the body, but of the mind through increased
1. When Caesar says that Cassius thinks too much, I agree. Cassius tends to look into the details and over think simple situations. He becomes very meticulous about how the group of the conspirators is organized. Also, while Cassius is the one who originally comes up with the idea of the conspiracy and that he wants Brutus to be in charge, he thinks through the plan, yet does not want to take responsibility. Cassius just about argues with himself, due to too many thoughts running through his mind. He thinks about so vile a thing as Caesar! But, O grief, where hast thou led me? I perhaps speak this before a willing bondman. Then I know my answer must be made. But I am armed and dangers to me
How was it possible that under the dictatorship and after the deification of Julius Caesar the Roman republic fell, when it had been structurally sound for four centuries before? When the republic was established around the end of the 6th century B.C.E., the Romans made clear that they wished to avoid all semblance of the monarchy that had ruled for two centuries before. (T.J. Cornell, The Beginnings of Rome: Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (c. 1000-264 BC), London and New York: Routledge, 1995; p. 215) The rule of the Republic was to be split into powers of the senate and consuls, a system that worked for over four centuries. The republic would face problems with the rise of the first triumvirate in 60 B.C.E.,
Question 1- what was Julius Caesar's tactics in battle and how did he conquer them
To begin, the Roman Republic seemed to have several problems before Octavian or Caesar Augustus entered as the ruler. There were political problems between the classes which caused much of the trouble. There were a few classes, the Nobiles which contained the patricians and the plebeians. There were two types of aristocratic leaders the optimates the populares. There was conflict between the two aristocratic groups, which had caused more political turmoil. (p. 112)
Many people knew Julius Caesar as powerful and popular Roman general and statesman. Julius was born in Rome the year of 100BC, and later died in 44BC. Growing up Julius had a well-rounded family. His father, Gaius Caesar, governed the region of Asia, and his mother, Aurelia Cotta, was the noble birth. At the age of seventeen, Julius married Cornelia, the daughter of an influential politician in Rome. Then just at 31, Julius had fought in wars and become involved in Roman politics. Although some people might view Julius Caesar as a villain, he was considered to be a hero in the Roman world. Julius Caesar is a hero because he improved the Roman Republic, changed the local governments, and protected the reconstruction of the city-states.
In order to fully comprehend and absorb Augustus and his era, it is of importance to succinctly appreciate the nature of the Roman crisis and, in particular, the role Julius Caesar played. The Senate was in control of the Republic. They did not have a written constitution, but rather practices agreed upon decisions that were completely grounded on tradition. They contained the parameters of what behaviour was considered more acceptable than the other. Near the end of the second century BC, political and military leaders started to push the boundaries of what was considered acceptable by tradition, and set new ones. The Republic was no longer functioning adequately. Violence and intimidation were at the root of these new behaviours. It would
For about 244 years, Rome was governed by a monarchy. Over the 244 year span, their were seven kings to rule the kingdom, in chronological order: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tulles, and Tarquinius Superbus. Tarquinius Superbus was abolished from the throne in 509 B.C.E., and Rome became an oligarchic republic.
Julius caesar has just come back from slaying an important man to Rome, by the name of pompey. The people of his home are out of work enjoying life as a holiday, or as a day off of work, when they should be working. With these people there are two men who seem to be questioning everyone on why they are off of work, when it is technically not their place to say so or to do so on this day.
I have been playing volleyball for as long as I can remember. From playing in club volleyball tournaments in the spring to bumping the volleyball around in my living room, I spend most of time playing or practicing for a sport. Most people believe that the only reason kids play sports is because they have athletic skill. I believe that playing a sport is more than just becoming the best player physically, but becoming the best player that your team needs you to be.
The aim of a dictator is to gain complete control over every aspect of a nation or empire, so it is to be expected that this control would extend to their natural and architectural surroundings. Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler were two such domineering men, with definitive ideas of how their land should appear and function. This essay will explore how two dictators, living thousands of years apart (100-44 BC and 1889-1945, respectively) controlled the design and building of their landscapes. Specific attention will be paid to how each man’s political principles are represented through one iconic symbol of his architectural choices (in this case, the Forum of Julius Caesar in Rome, Italy and the Reichsparteitagsgelände-Nazi party rally grounds-in
Julius Caesar is most often depicted as a stoic, resilient, and nigh god-like figure, but what many might be disheartened to hear, he was only but a man and suffered from a plethora of health issues. Many believe that Caesar was afflicted with epilepsy but according to Evan Andrews of the The life of Julius Caesar was one that has been publicized and dramatized for centuries. Even I at a young age was introduced to the story and life of this vicarious man. I will use the research that I have found to teach you about his life and his career.
A Noble Man vs the People In (I,iii,152)“ O, he sits high in the hearts of the people”. This is a quote from the tragic story of Julius Caesar and is relevant to this paper, because we will look at the characters of Brutus and Antony. This paper will go over two specific parts in the story. The speech of noble Brutus and why and how he justified the killing of Caesar.
Ambition is a word that has different meanings to different people. Ambition can have a positive or a negative conation. Ambition can be positive or negative because of the motives behind the ambition. Ambition is setting a goal and trying to reach that goal. The reason behind the goal will tell a person if the ambition is really sincere or if it is just better for that person.
Abstract— An outlier is a data value which is significantly deviated from the remaining data. In Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) outliers are the major issues that affect the inherent characteristics, such as flexibility, maintenance costs and scalability. The sources of an outliers include noise, errors, events and malicious attacks on the network. In this paper, we proposed a Compressive sensing algorithm (also known as compressive sensing, compressive sampling, or sparse sampling) to detect outliers images obtain from wireless sensors. The objective of this proposed method is to obtain an outlier degree in images through wireless sensors which provides the data quality for better selection process. CS theory