Sanders & Brutus’s Thoughts
The play “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare is about Brutus who is convinced by Cassius that the ruler Julius Caesar is becoming too powerful for Rome’s own good. Brutus and other conspirators take this potential dictator down by killing him. Rome breaks into chaos but all in all the chaos was better than having Julius Caesar as a dictator. Brutus and Bernie Sanders think alike in the way they want a fair and equal society. They both strongly want to take down the “higher” people in the world. While Bernie Sanders is looking to take down the 1% and Wall St Brutus is looking to take down Caeser. Both of them in all want to help the common folk and plebeians of their country.
Brutus and Senator Bernie Sanders
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A plebeian says ,on act 3 scene 2 line 63 “We are blest that Rome is rid of him” but after Anthony is done talking a plebeian says “Caesar has had great wrong.”. This quote shows how easily the crowd is swayed and how quickly they can move on. Bernie Sanders gets affected by this except he isn't against Anthony but he is against Hillary Clinton. “we should level with the American people,” said Hillary Clinton in a 2016 Democratic debate. Hillary is acting as if Bernie Sanders is not telling the truth and is trying to lie to the citizens of The United States of America. Anthony also does the same tactic of making the crowd doubt Brutus’s words. “Voters are most likely to trust Clinton” states a poll by a magazine called The Week. This shows how the wicked ways of Hillary are working just as how they worked against Bernie Sanders. Trust is what everyone wants from a candidate and Hillary is getting just that.
“Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America.” - Bernie Sanders 2016
Page 93 line 23 Brutus “I honour him: but, as he was ambitious I slew
The Roman senators all took part in betraying Caesar by murdering him. One of the main people involved, Brutus, held a funeral service for the deceased Caesar along with a brief speech. One of Julius Caesar's main companions who loved him dearly, Antony, also gave a speech that lasted much longer. After looking through the ethos, logos, and pathos mentioned in this story, it is obvious that Antony is more persuasive.
Bernie Sanders ran for political office in the town of Burlington, Vermont in 1981 and was elected mayor. He created many projects to improve the town in ways of housing, taxation, child care, women’s rights, and youth programs. In this same context, he created the Burlington Community Land Trust, an award winning project. He has also shown that he is no stranger to competing with those who have money on their side. In 2006 Bernie Sanders became a candidate for Vermont’s seat in the senate, running against the richest man in the state. To the voters of Vermont, upbringing, education, and political awareness mattered more than wealth. Despite the odds, Sanders won the seat, proving that money is irrelevant in a truly democratic race.
The conspirators convinced people to turn against Caesar was by telling them how much of a bad king he would be if they crowned him and everything that might change if hes in rulinng of Rome and also metion that they may not be safe either if hes also king so the need everyone to help because if everybody helps they get to keep there postions No one else is shown trying to persuade anyone to help, although the conspiracy is partially underway at the time Cassius makes a brilliant and forceful attempt to involve Brutus. It would appear that the assassination of Julius Caesar was Cassius' idea and that it was he who persuaded others to join him. No doubt the other conspirators have had secret conversations among themselves, but these are not
Many people know that Julius Caesar was betrayed and killed by many people who he had thought to be his friends. Some less common knowledge is that he did still have friends and others who stayed loyal to him. One man named Mark Antony was the most loyal of them all, even after Caesar’s death. When he found out Caesar had been killed, he began plotting to get on the traitor’s good sides and make it seem as if he had joined them so that he could convince the citizens to fight against them with him. He deceived the traitors and convinced them to let him speak at Caesar’s funeral, and in this speech he turned the citizens against them using very powerful rhetorical skills. After he had drove the traitors from the city, he took control of the city and led them to victory in a war against the conspirator’s armies. These are three telling examples that prove Antony’s skill and potential as a leader.
In William Shakespeare's play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, two speeches are given to the people of Rome about Caesar's death. In Act 3, Scene 2 of this play Brutus and Antony both try to sway the minds of the Romans toward their views. Brutus tried to make the people believe he killed Caesar for a noble cause. Antony tried to persuade the people that the conspirators committed an act of brutality toward Caesar and were traitors. The effectiveness and ineffectiveness of both Antony's and Brutus's speech to the people are conveyed through tone and rhetorical devices.
“… understand that when we stand together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for justice, we win…. (Bernie Sanders)” Bernie Sanders is one of the Democratic candidates for the 2016 presidential campaign. He believes in making America a more fair and honest country through law reforms and education. Mr. Sanders is taking a stand for middle class and poor families, trying to make education cheaper and better as well as reforming the tax system to remove the loopholes for the super-rich. Bernie Sanders is the clear and obvious choice for president if America is to become a better place.
Some might say that the ability to effectively persuade people to do things is one of the most useful qualities a person can possess. However, it can also be one of the most dangerous. In Julius Caesar, a play by William Shakespeare, a group of conspirators were plotting to overthrow Julius Caesar, who was poised to become the leader of the Roman Empire. Because doing this was a mission that would require a larger group of people, the conspirators attempted to convince people to support their plan and join the group. In doing so, the conspirators used tactics that appealed to both the logic and emotion of others.
Bernie Sanders has proven himself a champion of the middle class since his humble beginnings in 1981 as mayor of Burlington, Vermont. Once he became active in office as a member of the Senate in November 2006, Senator Sanders began breaking grounds to help provide “affordable housing, progressive taxation, environmental protection, child care,” and women’s equality. Now that he has officially began his campaign in the 2016 presidential race, Senator Sanders is discussing his ideologies that he believes will help the American people overcome many commonly-encountered obstacles.
In Shakespeare's tragedy Julius Caesar, Portia uses repetition, rhetorical questions, and parallelism in order to persuade Brutus to tell his secret. Portia uses repetition to get Brutus’ attention and to show him how much she wants to know the secret. Pleading, Portia urges, “I should not need, if you were gentle Brutus. / Within the bond of marriage, tell me, Brutus” (2.1.301,302). By using repetition she gets Brutus’ attention so he knows she is talking to him. If Portia did not repeat his name, Brutus would not be as inclined to listen to her. With Portia stating his name more than once he is focused on her and knows that what she is saying is vital. In this part of Portia’s speech she uses pathos. She persuades Brutus by bringing up their
In Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Marcus Antonius uses anaphora in order to persuade the audience around him. Antony has successfully utilized repetition specifically in the following lines, “To every Roman citizen he gives, To every several man, seventy-five drachmas”. Even though Antony may seem straightforward to the audience, it seems he carefully thinks out his statements beforehand. His ultimate goal is to unknowingly persuade the public into stepping up against the “honorable men” that killed Caesar. Antony flatters his audience by emphasizing the fact they are “Roman [citizens]”, he praises this characteristic and cleverly awakens all the Roman spirits inside the members of his audience. Once at risk, Roman’s pride defies all lines of decency and fuels all their actions towards maintaining their pride. Antony’s emotions are revealed and backed up by the miserable and submissive tone he displays. When the Plebeians say they seek “revenge”, the reader can infer the Plebeians take Caesar’s death personally, Antony has the ability to psychologically inculcate this notion. Consequently, the anaphora does not serve as a base for Antony’s main goal, but it is greatly
“You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.” (Two-Face/Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight Rises). Brutus is one of the people that lived long enough, but in every villain, you hear about problems they have, why they do the things they do. Well, Brutus is facing conflicts as well. But he is also dealing with the actions that come after the conflict, the consequences of the actions and/or the decisions.
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is a man who is ready to take on the hard issues of this world. He will not sit back and allow large businesses to pay their way into office. He will not rest while the people of the United States suffer, instead he will rise to the occasion and change America for the betterment of the people, not his pocket book. Candidate Sanders is a man of principle and moral. He fights to change the evils in this world and to create a better tomorrow for you ,your children and, your grandchildren. He will not be bullied or persuaded to change his beliefs by large corporation. He will not lie and manipulate the American population. He will not take away the civil rights of the people. He will not allow racism to cloud
Bernie Sanders once said “Finally, let [us] understand that when we stand together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for justice, we win. When black, white and Hispanic people stand together for justice, we win.” Bernie Sanders started as a young activist fighting to desegregate and end the Vietnam war, As he got older he dwelled into politics and became a self identified socialist; he competed against corporate backing and a corrupt political system yet remained true to his beliefs of Universal Health Care System, affordable education, better social security and welfare, the right for a woman to choose what she wants for her body, cares for the environment, but most importantly, Bernie Sanders believes in America.
Brutus, a conflicted senator obsessed with his civic duty, convinces the people of Rome that his motives in killing Caesar were just and noble by rhetoric. Brutus is the only conspirator to have impersonal motives in killing Caesar. In fact, his motives are trying to find the best solution for Rome, and in the end, he must make the hard choice of killing his best friend for his homeland. As early as Brutus’ conversation with Cassius in Act I, Brutus exhibits this deep love and respect for Rome and how this love is conflicting with his love for his friend, Caesar: “[P]oor Brutus, with himself at war, / Forgets the shows of love to other men” (I.ii.51-52). Brutus brings up this internal conflict again when he tells the crowds that although he did love Caesar, he loved Rome and its people more. After Brutus’ murder of Caesar, he realizes that the issue of the public opinion of Rome is of the utmost importance. Because of this love for Rome, Brutus uses rhetoric to persuade these plebeians to approve of him and his cause. When Cassius warns Brutus about “how much the people will be moved / By that which [Marc Antony] will utter[!]” (III.i.252-253), Brutus tells Cassius that letting Marc Antony speak “shall advantage us more than do us wrong” (III.i.261). In these cases, Brutus demonstrates his awareness of
William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump shared undeniable similarities. From the use of rhetoric and oratory to emotional manipulation, Donald Trump and characters like Marc Anthony, were able to persuade the poor and uneducated into making them their leaders. Both individuals, targeted a demographic that was tired