There are a lot of health-conscious people in the current generation and the fad of eating healthy has over time turned into a regular diet for many. In contrast, there is a much larger part of the population that lives regularly on fast food and junk food. In the event of the growth of the fast-food industry has been revolutionary due to its responsiveness to the growing diversity in consumer tastes. The easy accessibility and low costs of fast food were what made them attractive at first, furthermore the food itself satiated the ever-hungry population. However, now it is common knowledge to many that junk food and fast food is the main cause for obesity in Americans. It has been a long-discussed issue and agreed upon that processed food and junk food had obesogenic elements. Consequently, many food organizations have set shop to make profits out of their “good will” to enable people to consume healthier foods. The intense campaigning and advertising to consume the healthier wholesome food has caused some ripples, causing many people to shift to it. This has however not affected the consumption of fast food but only increased the business of the organizations in the business of wholesome foods. The real truth is something else altogether and unknown to a lot of people. The knowledge that all wholesome foods are much healthier than processing foods is a misconception and is what is talked about by Freedman. Should you completely cut-off from having fast food or processed
Around 160,000 fast food franchises have been opened all over America. America is the most obese country in this world. Healthy food is supplement rich, yet fast food has a tendency to be poor in nutrients and high in calories. Know that fast food can satisfy our day by day calories requirements; not only it gives us calories, but it also harms our health with other ingredients. For instance, fast food is high in soaked fats and trans fats. In addition, it has additives, chemicals, and artificial flavors. Fast food impacts our health and causes infections, for example, heart disease, diabetes, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. On the other hand, healthy food provides the best nutrients and protects our body from sickness, since it contains vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Fast food is addictive and unhealthy. (Obesity in America) (Chronic
Michael Moss, an investigative reporter who enjoys reporting on food, wrote: “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” (pages 471-494). This article reports on the ways that prepackaged food, especially junk food, is being designed to fit the customers’ needs and wants, as well as being something that the body craves. Moss provides multiple accounts throughout the reading in which people who have worked for or created corporate companies design foods just so they will sell. Moss expresses his thought in a clear manner to the reader so he or she will understand that Moss worries about the growing obesity in America and places the blame on junk food corporations. Though junk food corporations have a great part in the growing obesity,
Throughout the years in the United States, fast food has become the prominent diet of citizens. Many people do not realize the harmful effects of eating fast food on a daily basis. Many people in the United States are use to consuming foods that are processed with sugars and other chemicals, without being aware of eating a unhealthy diet can increase the risks of being obese ;as well as, having numerous health issues. Although people try their best to eat healthy and more productive they do not know what foods to eat or whether if it is healthy for them. In the articles “Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zincekino and “Escape from the Western Diet” by Michael Pollan. There were a number of similarities and differences in the details highlighted in these two articles.
The overconsumption of inappropriate foods containing trans-fats and large serving portions has caused many to become obese hence developing heart disease, and diabetes among other preventable disease. Currently over 500 million of the world population is obese and one and half billion people in the world are overweigh”. Every year about 2.5 million deaths are related to obesity (WHO) and children seem to be the most affected. Furthermore, obesity has continued to increase and currently there are more obese people in the world than underweight. Amazingly, the United States a country with ample resources has the higher rate of obese
In “Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” by Michael Moss is about the rising numbers of obesity in both adults and children throughout the United States. On the Evening of April 8, 1999, some of the biggest food industries CEO’s ad company presidents come together for a rare, private meeting. Discussing the emerging obesity epidemic and how they should deal with it. Big time companies food is lacking the nutrients that a person needs and is more concentrated on how to make it more desired. Keeping the customers coming for more. While the industries are gaining a profit, the customers are gaining a big belly.
I’ve had many memorable moments in my lifetime, but one stands out more than the others. When I watched the Clemson Tigers win the College Football National Championship, I thought I would never see something as exciting ever again. This was the very moment that stands out from the rest.
Recently, dietitians, the Congress, nutritionists, and the authors of some of the articles we have read have tried to fight against obesity; the results discovered are that we cannot fight the obesity war by ourselves; we need to include our society, the food literature, put labels with nutritional values on food, and we even need the media to change how we see fast-food. In some of the articles we have encountered, we learn that we should also change the cultural view of the food we eat. Food is not seen as part of nourishment for our bodies anymore and according to society food can be classified either as good or bad depending on what the latest diet and the influence we receive from the experts on the subject opinions.
Although the food industry does not play a major role in the obesity epidemic in America, it does plays a key one because they produced the food that goes into your mouth. Most people don’t know what goes on in the pre-shipping face of the food that goes on the shelve of a grocery store. American manufacturers, pump their food full of sugar, salt, hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, preservatives, dyes, artificial flavors,
Obesity has been framed as a topic of personal responsibly for a long time. For many, the fundamental notion has always been that if you stop eating junk food and eat “healthy”, you will maintain a healthy weight. According to the U.S. Centers of Disease Control’s 2007-2008 Health and Nutrition Examination survey, it was found that 73.7% of all Americans 20 years old or older were overweight, obese, or extremely obese. That is a lot of fat people and it is hard to believe that fast food alone is responsible for 70% of adult Americans being overweight.
Putting our health into the hands of agribusiness and food corporations is one of many reasons our nation’s health is depleting and losing a battle against obesity. Food corporations target the poor, the time constricted, and the uneducated as a way to sell their product. All of these limitations are related to one another in some form or fashion. A high school dropout, making 19,000 dollars a year, who is a mother, has a higher probability of being obese than a woman the same age who is attending college. Convenience started with the introduction of Swanson’s T.V. dinner. Combined with a large advertising budget and a trusted name, processed foods entered the homes of Americans after the Second World War, selling over 13 million within its first year (Ganzel). The convenience of having a meal prepared for your family with minimal clean-up was sweeping the nation and other companies soon followed suit to keep up with consumer demand.
The unpleasant and painful experience of colonialism in Africa has great effects on almost all faces of life such as language, education, religion, popular culture and the like. Colonial and post-colonial novels in Africa have therefore become unusual weapons used to change the European idea about the third world peoples and to illustrate how the European colonizer could create unequal relations of power, based on binary oppositions such as “First–world” and “third–world”; “white” and “black”, “colonizer” and “colonized”, etc. This duality can be seen clear in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Salih’s Season of Migration to the North. Conrad’s novel is filled with literal and metaphoric opposites: the Congo and the Thames, black and white, Europe and Africa, good and evil, purity and corruption, civilization and 'triumphant bestiality ', light and the very 'heart of darkness '.
The fast food industry provides quick, cheap, and easy access to foods that in the customers opinion, is very delicious, and affordable, however this food which millions of people around the world are constantly consuming, could actually cause major health problems, and weight gain in the long run. Major fast food companies throughout the world know what they are doing when it comes to marketing towards all types of people. Some people will find numerous different things to blame for the epidemic of fast food making individuals overweight. In recent research on, or discussions of the fast food industry having an effect on people's health, a controversial issue has been raised, and that is the fact that this problem affects not only
“if I am walking with two other men, each of them serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and bad points of the other correct them in myself “(Confucius), the words of a teacher, philosopher, and political theorist. Confucius the founder of Confucianism original name was Qiu Kong he was born 551B.C. in Qu Fu State, Lu. Confucius was born at a time when legalism laws were being implemented government. In his teens he was determined to learn about historical events. Confucius knew the importance of education, while in his 20’s he found the right master to teach him the six arts: ritual, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and arithmetic (Encyclopedia). After gaining all his knowledge he begins
Every day while sitting on the couch eat a burger, and soon many people learn what the obesity hype is all about. Fast food companies are advertising more food for less money with fast service. The media tends to change images for their target customers, to make the food more appealing to those that are watching. Laziness is one of the main causes of obesity in our country. Obesity in the United States is at a high due to the increasing fast food chains, media influence, and a lack of exercise. The idea of having a meal made for them in less than five minutes is somewhat exciting to the view of many individuals.” fast food firms introduced these alternative meals in response to changing consumer tastes”(Buchholz). Many fast food stores offer the customer fast service, and a great tasting meal. They provide their service with a smile and a meal that can cost less than 10 dollars. When people mix poor diet with poor
Processed and junk foods have come to be the staple in American diets, and the result has been a nationwide epidemic of obesity-related health issues.