
Just One Kid Out Of Hundreds : An Analysis

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Just One Kid Out of Hundreds
Everyone remembers their highschool years, either the memories are loved or they are locked away. We were all at one point classified at “teenagers” but everyone's story is largely, or at least slightly varied. I never seem to have enough time, did you? Homework is piled on in each class, each teacher saying “It’s not much”. But “not much” sure does add up. Going through the days half asleep, hearing lectures, doing quizzes, reading some paper I won't remember by next week. Never quite catching up on sleep, because each night new assignments or outside life piles up on your doorstep. We are encouraged to join clubs and get jobs! All the while we need to do our homework, go to club meetings, have family time, …show more content…

People struggle with this at different levels, personally I’m at the level of constant anxiety. When red dots cover your face, it’s hard not to. It feels like everyone is watching the bumps rather than your eyes when you speak to them. When you’re over weight, all you can see is the fat, even if it’s not showing, you just feel it there. Thin teens talk of diets I could do, all the while they don’t think of how that makes me feel. The kids who don’t have money have learned to block out the stares of the rich kids in nice clothes who judge their attire. It’s highschool so we all have to fit in somewhere, no matter our insecurities. Are we jocks? Nerds? Preps? Once in your group, do you form to the stereotype and hate your rival groups? Or can jocks, nerds, everyone, just get along based on who they are as human beings. I guess it depends on who’s in the group doesn’t it.
The fear that strikes, every time a teacher talks about the world's problem, the fighting, the economic problems. That's what we all have to start off in after our school years. There’s also the problem of ignorance, we live in a world where there is sadly still racism, sexism and just an overall hatred of things that change what we view as our norm. I personally believe there will always be racists, sexists and other vile people like them. You can’t get rid of all the hate, because there will always be

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