
Juvenile Antisocial Behavior

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Juveniles inherit genetic configurations that makes them susceptible to aggression. Antisocial behaviors and mental disorders are inherited form parent to offspring, just as one inherits certain features or characteristics such as one’s hair, skin, and eye color. One category of generic configurations is through direct connections: (1) antisocial behavior is inhered, (2) genetic makeup is passed down to children, and (3) genetic abnormalities are linked directly to other antisocial behaviors (Siegel & Welsh, 2014, p. 78). Another category is through indirect associations: genes are related to intervening factors that predisposes juveniles to delinquency. For example, juveniles who are unable to experience or have a strong bond with their parents …show more content…

Neurotransmitters or chemical compounds influence an individual’s brain functions. These neurotransmitters include dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, monoamine oxidase (MAO), and gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA), which are mostly related to aggression and antisocial behaviors (Siegel, 2011, p. 115). Researchers have found an association between having abnormal levels of these chemicals and aggression. Low levels of MAO lead to high levels of violence, as well as punishment defiances, impulsivity, and risk taking. According to Siegel (2011) brain chemistry and crime have been linked to a prenatal brain exposure to high levels of androgens resulting in a less sensitive brain structure to environmental inputs (p. 115). In addition, Hun-Soo and Hyun-Sil (2008) stated that brain chemistry plays a tremendous role in aggression, especially those individuals who exhibit recurrent aggressive episodes (p. 28). Thus this theory and its subsequent frameworks clearly attest as to the reasons why juveniles commit crimes. Juveniles are not only predisposed to commit crimes by their generic make up, but are also influenced by their brain activity and

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