
Juvenile Delinquency And Juvenile Crime Essay

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Juvenile delinquency, as well as juvenile gangs are interesting and popular topic in the world of criminal justice. What criminological theories tie in with the problems of juvenile delinquency, juvenile gangs, and the reasons why juveniles do what they do? This paper explains the theories that tie in with the why, and how juveniles end up the way they do. Using the different theories explained in this paper you could hypothesize an explanation as to why the juvenile committed a crime or joined a gang. This paper touches on theories from Merton, Cohen, Cloward, Ohlin, Wolfgang, Ferracuti, and many more.

“With a few exceptions, criminological theories of the 1950s and early 1960s focused on juvenile delinquency.”(Williams and McShane, 2014) Most of the theories researched during this time set out to explain what was considered the most common form of delinquency, gangs. Researchers set out to explain the origins or delinquent gangs and also look at why the different types of gangs are formed. To understand the theories that really researched into juvenile delinquency and juvenile gangs, you first must understand Robert Merton’s Anomie Theory or also called strain theory. Merton’s Anomie Theory is a theory of deviance, and does not focus on criminality. Merton’s theory basically states that the social structure becomes anomic when the goals set by society, for example financial success, and the means of achieving those goals are also focused on by society, for

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