
Kant’s Practical Imperative in the Film The Insider Essay

Decent Essays

This principle is referred to as Kant’s practical imperative and is an important principle for an ethical system which says that each human being is an end in himself or herself. No human being should be thought of or used merely as a means for someone else end. Dr. Jeffrey Wigand the main protagonist of “The Insider” portrays himself to be a conflicted individual as he makes decisions throughout the movie. Against an undetermined future, he ruminates about what he knows is right for example, receiving threats, the phone ringing at odd hours. He makes most of his decisions by weighing the cost and benefits, which may be referred to as Kant’s principle the “end justifies the means”.Analysis of Wigand if he had to disclose the information …show more content…

The Kantian perspective would consider Lowell actions to be unethical, as he encourage another person to break his promise for a greater of social good. Lowell knows the extent of the pleasure, but not the pain. The benefits of his encouragement would uphold the honor of 60 minutes and CBS news, protecting the public against harm. The disadvantages and the cost would result in Wigand and his family losing all benefits from the agreement. The possible lawsuit faced against CBS and damages to the tobacco industry and its employees. If he does not encourage Wigand, its just result in vice versa, he would receive the benefits and the tobacco industry and employees are protected. It would costs harm to public if they do not know the truth. In conclusion it can be seen that both Wigand and Bergman used each other as means to one anothers end.

Not actually being in his position it would be difficult to decide to what my actual emotions would be, based on the fact that I would be putting my family in danger to protect the public. I would have probably done the same as it would be my moral obligation and the right thing to do. Kant’s duty-based ethics says that some acts are wrong or right because of the things or situations that are related and people have a duty to act in accordance, regardless of the good or bad consequences that may be produced.

Dr. Wigand decision is an example of goodwill as he disregarded the concern of consequences of his and his

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