
Karen Horney The Distrust Between The Sexes Analysis

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The Opposite
(An analysis of Karen Horneys work The Distrust Between the sexes and her view of women.)

Have you ever thought why the opposite sex is so confusing? Well, there are multiple reasons why, they are pretty much the exact opposite from you. Starting with the shape of their face, to the shape of their brain. In the Chicago Tribune it brought about the fact that, “Scientific research indicates that men's brains are larger than women's and that the physical structure differs as well. But many other conclusions about how the genders differ, brainwise, remain controversial.” (Lisa B Chi) Even research shows that little things are different from the opposite sex. This is how men and women come together in a marriage, they work together …show more content…

The first one being the emotions that women and men have, women being more on a roller coaster ride, while men just roll through life. Second, is the differences between the physicality, obviously men have bigger features, muscles being one of them while women are usually petite. Lastly, the level of hostility in men and women, men tend to have more hostility than women. Men when hostile are more physical, and women are more mental, they know how to get inside people’s heads and push them to the breaking point. Just like Joe Humphreys writes in the Irish Times talks about men and women’s gender differences, “On the other hand, some philosophers have argued that differences in women's experience of being in the world, of being socialized perhaps to be more caring and so forth, may result in thinking that is different from men's. The field of feminist care ethics follows this line of thought, where men are believed to be more rules-focused when presented with moral problems, while women may approach these problems in a more affective, relational manner.” (Joe Humphreys) Like stated before, men and women are different so they can mesh together, help each other figure out problems in their life. Men and women are different for a purpose, so they can coincide with each other in life, to love one another, and then to start a family. We each have our role and purpose in this world, we just have to be the ones to figure it all

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