
Katniss 'The Hunger Games'

Decent Essays

In the film ‘The Hunger Games’ directed by Gary Ross, Katniss Everdeen is an example of a leader who takes risks for the chance of change. Not just once but on numerous occasions Katniss steps up for what she thinks is right for herself, her District and Panem. The first risk is when Katniss volunteers to fight in place of her sister Primrose in the 74th edition of the Hunger Games "I volunteer as tribute!", without any hesitation her first instinct was to protect her family rather than herself. This is a true insight into the leadership status of Katniss because it shows she cares about others, and she refuses to let injustice harm those she loves. She willingly sacrificed her own life because she knew she had a much better chance of making a difference to …show more content…

Such as the mockingjay pin (a powerful symbol of hope for a brighter future) and Rue’s whistle.Whereas President Snow didn’t generate hope for the masses because he focused on The Hunger Games event rather than the people. Katniss took the risk of taking on Snow with the cost of her life “You can torture us and burn us and bomb us. Fire is catching…If we burn, you burn with us.” This quote speaks a thousand words about Katniss, she is reluctant to have Snow continue to control her and everyone in Panem. If she is going down so is the entire government. Gary Ross uses lots of close up shots on Katniss Everdeen which allows us to see her emotions and her feelings towards different situations. It is in these times we can see her desire for change and her fight for freedom. I think Katniss’s timeless, fearless and ultimately effective leadership style is one we in modern day society could only dream of following. She sacrifices her own life and takes risks for the welfare of her followers and society, not for

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