
Kawena Dress

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Kawena’s hair stood on end, a shiver raced down her spine and a lump came to her throat. It was her maroon dress that went missing. It really was the dress. However, Kawena could not let the dress disappeared just like that. The dress meant the world to Kawena. The dress may look like it is a normal dress, but there is a story behind the dress. Kawena got the dress from her mother. Her mother gave it to her as a gift. In addition, Kawena’s mother got the dress from her mother (Kawena’s grandmother). Kawena’s grandmother was a singer back in high school. In Kawena’s grandmother perspective, the dress was a lucky dress. For instance, Kawena’s grandmother would win any competitions whenever she wore the dress. Therefore, the dress is passed along from one generation to the next. The next morning, Kawena felt real bad. On a good day, she would wake up, dress up, and eat breakfast, but that morning, she does not feel like doing anything. In fact, she woke up with a bad migraine. The moment that Kawena woke …show more content…

On her way to school, all she could think about was the dress. The dress seemed to be the center of Kawena’s mind and she could not stopped thinking about it. However, after ten minutes of riding in the car, Kawena finally got to school. She waved goodbye to her mother and then went into school. Inside of the school, there were many students. Some students formed a small group, as well as the name of the group. For instance, “The Cool Kids,” “The Nerds,” “The Singers,” “The Mean Girls,” and so forth. Kawena liked all of the groups except The Mean Girls’ group, which consisted of three girls. Kawena does not like The Mean Girls’ group because of the way they treated others. For instance, The Mean Girls would make fun of other students based on their appearance, intelligent, and talent. Despite of how much Kawena hated the girls, she always saw them at school. In addition, the girls and Kawena were in the same choir's

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