
Kempinen And Kurlychek Essay

Satisfactory Essays

When conducting research, there are some problems that are seen and some that are unseen. Kempinen and Kurlychek ran into some issues that were unexpected and hidden. However, they did not change the scope of the experiment. In my opinion, the internal factor of instrumentation could have threatened the internal validity of the study. It became a concern when gathering the study referenced the gathering of the information about the convictions were missing from more than one-third of the cases, therefore having to use the previous arrest record as measurement rather than prior criminal record. The information is a crucial part of research because you have two variables in the study being measured, technical violations and new crime convictions. The investigators had to rely on the prior arrest, which is not as valid as prior convictions. The seriousness of the offender's new convictions was unavailable for the study (Kempinen & Kurlychek, 2003). Therefore having to leave that particular narrative out of the discussion on whether an individual who graduated from the boot camp or prison went on to commit more serious crimes. With the incomplete information, the investigators could be motivated to continue the study to monitor the progress of the participants over time. So the information about an offender's prior convictions and possible post serious convictions had to be left out of the study. Which also touches on the internal factor of testing pre and post.

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A., & Kurlychek, M. C. (2003). An Outcome Evaluation of Pennsylvania's Boot Camp: Does Rehabilitative Programming within a Disciplinary Setting Reduce Recidivism? Retrieved April 8, 2017, from

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