
Kentucky Mission Trip

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I am Dustin Kehoe, and I have had many people and events in my life that influenced what happened and is happening to me. In the summer of 2016, I was on a Kentucky mission trip when me and 2 of my friends when to hike on a mountain and almost went off the edge and would have been a 3-story fall to the pavement. Before that moment I was terrified of heights, but now I don’t mind and I have been able to and will continue to do more activities. During my life, so far, I have mostly been exposed to people in the medical field because of my medical conditions. One of my first job considerations was to be a police officer, then in the medical field. My church has been the group that has influenced me the most, but one of the families there has …show more content…

Dramatic events have occurred frequently in my life, and some affected me more than others. Some had negative effects like from first to third grade when I was bullied because of how I talked and my last name which led to me becoming shy and less talkative. My mission trip to Kentucky didn’t just help the people we were helping, but it also helped me in different ways. The work and what I saw made me appreciate what I had here, and got me to want to help people whenever I could. During some free time when the others where away, me and 2 friends got permission to go climb a mountain that was steep and tall. On the way up, a root came out of the wall and I almost fell, but it wasn’t tall and wouldn’t have done a lot. After getting to the top, we just started walking around and there was a small hill that we went down, but when I got to the bottom it was hard to stop and I was barely able to stop before I went off the edge. That part experience helped my fear of heights for the most parts. There have also been many people that have helped me out so much along the way, but the people that have done the most has been my church family. My church has allowed me to do many things, for example, like the Kentucky trip, a trip to cedar point, a church sports camp, and other things like cloths and food. The stuff my fellowship has done for me has gotten me involved and want to help others. Those are events and people that have

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