A gold plaque glistened on the stage, written on it was “Straight A’s All Three Years of Junior High”. Attending the academic ceremony as a 6th grader, I watched in awe as a few 8th-graders received this prestigious plaque. I thought to myself that I would work hard so that one day I could be on that stage and receive that award. For the rest of my Junior High career, I strove to get straight A’s in all of my classes. I remained persistent, focused, and dedicated. During 7th grade, I went through an emotional obstacle. My father had to leave for a year for his job, and this had a huge toll on my family. However, I overcame this obstacle with the support of my family and with faith. I kept the idea in my mind that he would be proud
My palms were sweating, my heart was racing, I had no idea what to expect or who I was going to meet. I was never the type of girl to embrace new situations, I hated change and I wasn’t very good with meeting new people. I figured once I got to high school it would be my chance to start all over, turn the page in my book of life, and flip over a new leaf. I wanted to finally be the girl that fit in with everyone. I had imagined myself going to parties with big groups of my new friends, having sleepovers and doing all of the things cool high school kids normally do. I was certain that my high school career would be just like one of those really corny teen movies and I would live happily ever after with the homecoming crown and the boy of my
Being a freshman is the hardest of your four years in high school. Have you ever been pressured to be the best person you can be? This is how my year was as a freshman. Freshman year was the most different I never thought I would of found my way around the school when I first started to go there. Freshman year was the best year throughout my years of high school and it was the only year I had friends. During this year I had a lot of anxieties which dealt with me thinking I’m gonna be alone and not have any friends throughout the year to support me through the whole thing. Also, I would think of the pressure of not doing good in any of my classes so I would think it would affect my GPA in the future. The transition from middle school to high school was a different type of thing to do.
I am a sophomore at Hamilton Southeastern High school, and currently plan to graduate in 2018. My GPA as of this moment is a 3.33, and I am an A, B honor roll student. Inside school I am a part of the Harry Potter Club, and play quidditch which is a sport having to do with Harry Potter. My aim in high school is to graduate with academic honors. Last school year I was not as involved with the school rather, I got involved with outside of school things. In 8th grade I was a part of the Junior high national honors society.
It was the last last few days of summer before I started my Sophomore year of high school. My freshman year I applied and ran to be Sophomore class president, and I won. Before the start of school SGA (Student Government Association) had the responsibility to welcome and show new students around the school. While showing and bonding with new students I meet two new sophomores students named Ethan and Olivia. Ethan was a very attractive young man who was six feet and had nice dark hair, that was swooped to the right. Olivia on the other hand was a very short and pale girl who had orange hair that was very thin. Olivia and I both found Ethan to be attractive, Olivia made it known to me that she liked Ethan. It was the first day of school and
To many people, especially at my highly competitive school, straight “A’s” don’t feel like that great of an accomplishment. To me however, when considering my commitment to all of my extracurricular activities, my multiple challenging courses, and my Moms cancer diagnosis, managing straight “A’s” throughout my Junior year is my greatest accomplishment. This year has been the most demanding yet in regards to my extracurricular activities. I decided to continue as a member of the Debate Team, Interact, National Honors Society, and the District Six Juvenile Detention Centers Youth Court panel. On top of these I was chosen to be Co-Chair of the Chubbuck/Pocatello Mayors’ Youth Advisory Council, I created and lead the CHS writer’s club at my school,
I maintained a B average in high school but I am not proud of this because I strive for perfection. One of my lowest grades was during my freshmen year when I passed Spanish with a B-. Although this sounds like a good grade, I feel that if I worked harder; I could have received the A. This motivated me to work to my full potential and spend more time studying which in the end helped me finish Spanish with an A. I have learned to manage my time well and be prepared at all times; which I feel will help me great after high school.
Although I was able to obtain a degree in five years after attending five colleges, I do not think my grade point average accurately reflects my potential. Looking back I can see where I caved in to distractions whether it was extra baseball practice, hanging out with my friends, and several more. Fortunately after many U-Haul trips to a new city, for a new college, I was able to graduate with a bachelors of science and enlist into the Army.
I am currently a junior in high school but I am enrolled in several dual credit courses through Drury and MSU. At the end of this semester I will have accumulated a total of 30 credit hours to get a head start on my college education. At this time I have no previous training in volunteer work or working in a hospital. I am currently learning and developing the skills that I have but I know that I can be shy at times. I work well with others, I am punctual, and I am always up for a challenge. I personally do not have any hobbies but look for new experiences to help better my personality and future.
At the age of four I had to move from Southern California to Bend Oregon. At the time I did not know what bend was going to be like. When I got to bend I started kindergarten and felt better as time flew by. My brother and sister also went through the same thing but they had to start middle school when we moved. I remember vividly how hard it was for my brother to get by. As a person he changed and he had to go through counseling and get a shrink. Sadly none of these really helped him and he struggled to get through school and at one point he attempted suicide. Luckily he made it through high school before we moved once again. What I saw him go through really opened my eyes to not be like that. Sadly a few years later my parents found out that my mom’s dad had died. So at the age of nine I packed up once again and moved back to Southern California which was where my grandma lived. I had to go to a new school where I didn't know anyone. At this point my sister was finishing high school and my brother was in college. It was hard on me at first but I got myself through it as I knew I couldn't dwell on what was already done. I started to become more flexible and
My whole life I have always been a straight A student. I always thought that if I didn’t have an A, I was failing. The first semester, of my Sophomore year, I had Geometry. It was the hardest class I had ever taken. Like always, I tried my best, I did all of the homework, studied for all the tests, but the best grade I ever received was a B. I thought that my world was about to come crumbling down.
Over the years there has been one specific event that has impacted my entire life. At the age of nine, my parents separated. One full loving house of five, harshly split into two. Witnessing that caused me to fall behind in academics while moving and starting a new middle school alone. At that age I knew what had occurred, but others did not think so. This made me feel as if I needed to show my family that I was okay. That regardless of the situation, I had to stay strong and show my absolute best
Another choice that relates to this is that I remember one time I made a good choice in my life that lead me into graduating high school. I had a choice to go to adult school when I was in high school because I was missing a couple of credits and in order for me to graduate I had to go for 7 weeks everyday after school. At first I told myself that I didn’t want to go because I was going to know anybody and I didn't know what to expect their. Until one of my teachers asked me how I was doing and i told her about it and i mentioned that I didn't want to go because it was going to be a waste of time , and she told me that it was for my own good and if I really cared about graduating then I should go and she made me realize that if I didn’t I
At the early age of eight years old my mother passed away from Breast Cancer. At the time I did not realize the magnitude of the situation and the effects it would have later in my life. It was a very challenging experience and still is difficult, but through the love and support of my family and friends I was and still am able to make it through.
"In school you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." A quote I came across the summer before my senior year of high school from Tom Bodett, an American author. This quote hit me hard because it's 100% true. Knowing you come across trials and tribulations. It can be physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally draining. No matter how you are effected by it God wouldn't put you in a situation he knows you can't get out of which is the test. The lesson is learning from that situation and adapting so you can proven it from happening again. Since then I been looking at life like a timeless final exam. Every problem in my life I take time and work it out and break it down to make
Growing up, achieving near perfect grades in school quickly became my utmost priority. I excelled in nearly every subject, particularly math, all throughout elementary, middle, and most of high school; however, this year, my senior year, I had experienced what I’ve always considered to be my absolute worst nightmare: receiving a low test grade in a math class.