
Key Components Of Health Literacy

Decent Essays

Health literacy has been accepted a keystone for health care services. Health literacy can be defined as “the prescription to end the confusion” or a “degree by which a person can develop the capability to understand the fundamental health related information and services in order to make proper health decision”. Health and social care professionals should consider influences of cultural and conceptual knowledge in health-related practices (Lehmann & Abel, 2016). The concept of health literacy is not limited in the practice of health and social care professionals. It also involves awareness of lay person in accessing and utilizing health care services available for them.
Key components of health literacy:
Key components of health literacy are as follows:
 Fundamental Literacy
 Science Literacy
 Civic literacy
 Cultural literacy
Fundamental Literacy involves the reading, writing, speaking and numeracy skills of health professionals as well as consumers in delivering and accessing health services respectively (Chinn, 2017). These skills are necessary in the effort of accessing relevant information required. Health staff needs to practice these communicative and understanding techniques in delivering effective health services to the community people.
Science Literacy, in this case, indicates appropriate use of scientific knowledge and technological assistance in health and social care services (Batterham et al. 2016). Considering the possibilities of changes in the health

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