
Kids World Learning Center Analysis

Decent Essays

The seventh and eighth chapter of the text talked about developing a facility and then equipping the facility with age appropriate items. As I read through these chapters, I reflected back to my time at the Fishback Center as well as the current center I work at, Kids World Learning Center.
Chapter 7 looked into the primary needs of facility which include health and safety, accessibility, traffic flow, personal space, independence and growth, and authentic character. As I continued to read, I was very interested in the topic of accessibility, personal space and authentic character. The accessibility of a facility has many different subparts that include entry to the building to bathroom locations. When reading about the entry to the building, I thought about my student teaching semester at the Fishback Center. There was a parent who was in a wheel chair who needed special access to the center. The back door of Pugsley is wheel chair accessible. The front door can also be considered, but the person must use the ramp that goes into the gathering space. With the Fishback Center being on a collage campus, both these doors though handicap accessible can be hard to enter with limited parking space. The entry …show more content…

What I found most important in this area is when it talked about space for toddlers verse space for space needed for preschoolers. It states that because toddlers are constantly exploring everything in their surroundings and with teacher support, toddlers need more space. As I read this, I thought about my current child care center, Kids World. I currently work in the Rookie room which are children aged 1-2 years of age. Last week we got a new student, which means we now have eight children! Well it is exciting to see numbers going up, our room at times doesn’t seem big enough at times. Personal space is just as important to myself as it is to the

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