
Kinesthetic Differences

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As a learner, the category that fits me the most is Kinesthetic. I need to move around to learn, and it just helps my brain function. I usually tap my foot or moving around in my seat, or, when I’m able to, moving around the classroom. I don’t know why moving around helps me, It just keeps me focused on whoever is talking or if somebody is presenting something, and if I’m sitting down, I will fidget a bit. Sitting down too long will result in my getting very antsy and needing to move around. 1st goal - I want to be a better inquirer. I will do that by trying to learn stuff. 2nd goal - I want to do better in S.S. I will do that by studying more. 3rd goal - I want to join a club. I will do that by joining a club. Those goals I am going to try

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