
King Porter Cleming Essay

Decent Essays

There once was a king named King Porter Clemings who ruled over the kingdom of Clemington. In the kingdom, there is a little town called Littenburg, which was known for farming and delivering the finest wheat to the kingdom. The king of Clemington, King Porter Clemings, once visited this town to inspect a rather interesting incident. Rumors say that in this town of Littenburg lives a beautiful woman named Fiona Wallace. As expected, being the “gentleman” he is despite having a wife and a daughter of five years, King Porter travels to Littenburg, using inspection of crops as an excuse, and was not disappointed as he starts an affair. And thus, another princess was born. Two weeks after the baby princess was born, King Porter decides to visit Fiona and discuss the name of their little child. He sneaks out in the middle of the night and awakes his coachman. “Get up,” said he said. “I have an important meeting with someone in Littenburg. Do not ask who or why, and you shall comply.” “Yes, your Majesty,” says the coachman. The two quietly walk toward the king’s horse carriage and starts heading eastward to Littenburg. Five hours have passed and the sun has already begun to rise. “Stay here coachman and stay out of sight. I do not want anyone knowing the king of Clemington has arrived as it will make a big fuss among the citizens,” …show more content…

In the Kingdom of Clemington, it has been passed down from generations to generations that the eldest child of the king becomes the heir to the throne as stated in the Divine Ordinance, which is the rule of law in the kingdom and is protected by the Moderators. Since the ruler of Clemington has limits to his or her power, there is a group called the Moderators who actually set rules for the nation and make sure the hierarchy stays intact. Despite being fully aware of the Moderators and the Divine Ordinance, the king shall do whatever he can to crown Fiora as the new queen of

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