
Korean Immigration To America Summary

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Under what conditions did this cultural group enter the united states? The first large immigration of Asians, Chinese, was in 1848, which was around the time that Gold was discovered in America. Korean immigration was started around early 1900’s because of the combination of the Korean and Japanese government, secretly forcing Korean people to go to Hawaii as labors. Syngman Rhee, a South Korean statesman, the first president of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, and the first President of the Republic of Korea, performed Korean independence movement in Hawaii. In the middle century of the 1950’s, after breakout of Korean War, many Korean had head to America to avoid North Korean’s invasion. Later 1970’s, some Korean workers …show more content…

In her view, she doesn’t feel being treated differently because she was brought up in a different culture. But, there are differences, but not on purpose. Next, our question was “What can be done about racism and prejudice, in your opinion? How to fix this issue on campus.” Then, Sophia responded as to try to understand the culture and learning the language, and to bring exchange students to American ways. Her answer shows the aspect as a Student Without Border’s executive. She emphasized having open mind and better understanding are important to break differentiation between different cultures. What is/ are the dominant religion(s) of this group? What role does religion and Spirituality play in the everyday lives of members of the group? When we ask “How important is religion in your community? Why?” Sophia answered it is important either Christian or atheist. In summary, Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism are the main religions in Korean community. ( To Sophia, religion in her family is important because her family is missionaries, and her younger sister is a junior in Dordt

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