
Kurt Lewin's Theory Of Organizational Development

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1.0 Introduction
Organizational development can be defined as any situation in which two or more persons are involved in a common pursuit or objectives. (McLean, 2009) It is a process that applies a broad range of behavioral science knowledge and practices to help organizations build their capacity to change and to achieve greater effectiveness, including increased financial performance, customer satisfaction, and organization member engagement.(Republic, 2012). Organizational development also can be defined as a systematic process of unleashing human expertise which must be supported by the top management. Organizational development is very important subject matter to the organization. It is a strategy to enhances the effectiveness and of …show more content…

The most popular theory is the change process theory by Kurt Lewin. Lewin believed that the key to resolving social conflict was to facilitate planned change through learning, and so enable individuals to understand and restructure their perceptions of the world around them.(Sarayreh, Khudair, & Barakat, 2013). Lewin also says that change can be deriving from two forces, which are internal driven and environment driven. Both of these can affect the process of changes. Lewin believed a successful change project involved three steps:(Sarayreh et al., 2013). First step is unfreezing, the process where getting people to accept the change, second step is moving, the process of people to accept the new things and the third step is refreezing, making the new practices and behavior become permanent. Lewin saw successful change as a group activity, because unless group norms and routines are also transformed, changes to individuals will not be sustained. (Sarayreh et al., …show more content…

(Ehrich & Hansford, 1999). If the mentee is one of the new employee, it is not possible for the HR managers to know and understand his/her personality. This might cause the unrealistic expectation from their mentor. Thus, it will affect the performance of the mentee because of the unrealistic expectation and goal.
To the mentor, according to (Ehrich & Hansford, 1999), there are many potential concerns, for example, do they have the capacities required? Are they to be rewarder? How will they be selected? Other than these simple issues, those who are qualified and standout in the organization are already burdened by other job or task. It must be considered, what if they been selected to be a mentor, can he/she perform well? Is he/she able to engaged and commit to the new task given?

To the organization, the first main concern is about budget. It is unknown whether the cost to do the program can be cover by the anticipated outcomes (Ehrich & Hansford, 1999). Other than budget issues, it is also a main concern of the HR managers, commitment from both parties. The mentoring program cannot be done if either one of the parties do not commit. It is a waste of time and budget.


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