La estrategia se puede definir como el conjunto de métodos elegidos para el logro de un objetivo asignado, y entendemos que la publicidad se desarrolla y se implementa para conseguir unos objetivos de comunicación.
Así pues, queda claro que la publicidad necesita de la estrategia para conseguir sus objetivos.
Como dice Jef Richards (Presidente de la American Academy of Advertising en 2008), la creatividad SIN estrategia se llama arte, mientras que la creatividad CON estrategia se llama publicidad…
Los dos principios fundamentales para desarrollar buena publicidad son:
El eje central de la comunicación (el qué), o cuál es el mensaje que se va a comunicar a un determinado público objetivo
La creatividad (el cómo), o las técnicas que
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Los objetivos de la campaña son coherentes con los de la empresa?
Se adecúa al marco de referencia de nuestro producto?
Para responder a estas cuestiones, tendremos que tener claro…:
El objetivo de la campaña: conocimiento, notoriedad/recuerdo, desarrollo de imagen
Público objetivo
Momento en el que se hará la campaña (¿hay estacionalidad?)
Dónde nos ubicaremos: medios y soportes, cobertura y frecuencia
Cómo mediremos la eficacia de la campaña, y evaluaremos si hemos satisfecho los objetivos
Algunas reglas básicas de la estrategia publicitaria son…
El consumidor es lo más importante. Las estrategias de publicidad se tienen que orientar hacia lo que quiere el consumidor, no a lo que quieren decir el anunciante o la agencia.
El consumidor necesita que se le resuelva un problema. La publicidad se hace para persuadir, o generar Acción (de la estructura AIDA)
La publicidad debe persuadir. Se buscan beneficios, o soluciones a sus problemas. Los atributos de lo que se
* Valuar activos intangibles como son las patentes, proyectos y la gente que dirige a la compañía.
To that end, the audience that would gain from an article of this caliber, would consist of several individuals, because of the nature of their jobs. The writer suggests that some of the stakeholders should include, school board members, teachers, principles, social workers, immigration liaison persons, parents and specialist working in the ELL area. Hence, Latino students have the ability to reach their full potential and be a successful student in America, the key is to learn the
The source of the data in the analysis was gathered through a sample of residents in a mid-size city on the U.S. side of the Mexican-American border with the survey being offered in English and Spanish depending on the spoken language. This group of 262 residents were surveyed through an original research work that was collected via students on malls and grocery stores as these offered the greatest and fairest geographical coverage of the city. The survey being conducted is original research as it does not rely on survey data collected by others.
This part of the essay will discuss the role of SENCO’s and how it has evolved. It will start of briefly introducing the role of a SENCO, and the responsibilities, followed by how their role has evolved and then the impact of recent government policy.
The Esperanza Y Su Exito program is utilized as a media tool or as a catalyst to help empower the Latino community. One of the program’s objective is to provide an outlet for clear communication in their own native language about the kind of issues the community faces and what they can do about it. EYSE succeeds in providing the most basic information needed and offers a platform for cultural expression (music, literature, cultural activities key to community growth, etc.). The program is a visual media that helps to make the Latino community aware of their rights and the deplorable conditions that affect their children and family members. EYSE to explore, design, build and evaluate the effectiveness of its programming. Dr. Donavan- Pendzic’s approach to the production of the programming was the use of a reflective process that focuses
Therefore, they are considering the public’s opinion, and gathering information based on these studies which is unbiased. The quality of the article is very organized. It has subtitles for each section, charts and tables to show statistics, and a conclusion of the studies.
The intended audience for the this article is an academic audience but it is also beneficial for the public policy makers. It is possible to ascertain since it
Tiene que ver con valuación. Firm value es el valor presente a precios del mercado.
Different promotional tools would be used to communicate to each target audience. A media campaign focused on both Spanish and English language TV, radio and newspaper would target parents and adults. This would also include news features on networks such as Univision. These features would also target political and community leaders. Children and teenagers would be targeted through media popular with their own group. A large focus here would
The public opinion on the various functions and the current state of Texas in the economic and political arena depicts the view of the people on issues. From the demand for a more congruent security system at the border which has a significant effect led to the constant immigration of foreigners into Texas especially from Mexico (Stansfield et al., 2013). However, despite the benefits accrued such as cheap labor from the undocumented workers, there have also been controversies as the people are in constant use of the public utilities in place. Part of which they had not played a role in their establishments such as hospitals, public schools and social amenities paid for by the people citizens of Texas (English & Adams, 2011). Likewise, the media has had a considerable role in depicting the current state and operations of the local and state governments concerning the people. With the publishing of existing affairs in newspapers and on televisions, the citizens are therefore informed. However, the different media has been used
Roberto Castro emphasizes the fallibilities in using normative and interpretive approaches when conducting sociological research which have great implication on the subjects experience of health and illness. Furthermore, he conducted the study using two main concepts that needed to be addressed, the social structure and the actors subject view. In doing so he has made two main assumptions. The first being that human activity, social factors affect the autonomy of human behavior. Second, the pre exposure to social interactions will continue to shape our human behavior. The main goal of the experiment is to see how Ocuitucan’s residents define meaning and the relation to health and illness. Ocuituco is a town in the city of Morelos, Mexico.This
Una de las principales fuentes de riesgo que presenta Pecom ante este escenario, es sin duda el
As well as his own theoretical and epistemological proposal is an eclectic one, Martín Barbero’s influences are an intellectual hybridity of some European and Latin American thinkers, mixing philosophers and writers and historians. Indeed, a significative contribution of Martin Barbero’s work is he introduces into the Latin American scholarly debate some authors and re-signifies them in relation to the specificities of the theoretical and epistemological perspectives in communication and culture within the regional debate. As Guillermo Sunkel points out, “he introduces a perspective that, back in then, thirty years ago or so, was so innovative” .
Nowadays the media is responsible for accomplishing many everyday tasks, such as it provides news, entertainment, lessons etc. In Peru, the media has a major impact in the lives of the people that have access to it. Being underdeveloped, the media affects people different than it does here. Jose Alarcon, wrote the contestant to give the reader an idea of how the media functions in Peru. He does this by establishing critical themes that are present throughout the essay, for example, money, fame, and emotion to explain how it led to Ruth Thalia Sanchez’s death. He presents the reader that the media can lead to a series of misfortunate events leading up to the protagonist’s death. This essay shows us the amount of power and influence TV shows; the news and radio stations have.
En los siguientes capítulos hablaremos sobre la comunicación y la comunicación corporativa, la comunicación ha sido uno de los factores claves para la subsistencia y evolución del ser humano, ya que sin ella no se podrían haber transmitido datos e informaciones de los progresos y descubrimientos del hombre por otro lado la Comunicación Corporativa es la que gestiona la comunicación en las organizaciones.