
La Voyage Dans La Moon

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Imagine an important meeting of astronomers planning a voyage to the moon, in a bullet-shaped capsule. Imagine their mission as they literally shoot off into space with the help of young women in sailor attire. Imagine as they land smack-bang in the moon’s eyeball, imagine fantastical things beginning to happen, from comets passing to umbrella’s transforming into oversized mushrooms. When we think of special effects, perhaps there is a tendency for great big explosions, crazy out-of space worlds and creatures created with steadily-improving post-production, CGI effects come to mind. What about the days before this incredible technology? This essay explores George Melies ‘La Voyage Dans La Moon’ or A Trip to the Moon, a film made in 1902, prior …show more content…

The technique was developed accidently,his camera jammed whenas he filmed traffic and people moving about outside the Place de l’Opera in Paris. By the time the problem was solved, the people and traffic had moved along - as Bob Ross might suggest, “we don’t have mistakes, we have happy accidents” (youtube, 2013), the film, after this event appeared to depict men turning into women and a bus into a hearse, thus, allegedly, the ‘Substitution Splice’ was created. However, Jacques Deslandes suggests that this could possibly be a tall-tale told by Melies - Edison’s 1895 film ‘The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots’ utilised a more simplistic version of the technique originally. Either east, Melies perfected the special effect and it was key to his work, for the purposes of this essay I will explore his version of the story (Larson, 36). Melies uses what he knows well but does not restrict himself purely to that knowledge, he created the first movie studio, a space to facilitate his own ‘flow state’ for film production and as aligns with Brock’s Conjecture, Melies had the ability to solve problems, and create something novel and valuable for the art as a whole (something that sets him apart from …show more content…

Melies used substitution splicing also to turn several shorter takes to seamlessly create what looked like one longer take, a meticulous editing technique, I will use this in a similar way, matching different takes from each scene and placing the, together to conceal any potential continuity errors as well as make the audience unaware of where each cut is in the scene ().[5] Neuroscience has provided us with the information that edited films increase activity in the brain that work with sound, language, vision, emotion, conscious thought and even facial recognition. Unedited content does not have this effect so naturally, I’ll aim to tightly edit the film to have a more significant impact on its viewers (psychology of

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