
Lab Report Enzyme

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What results would acquire when given certain changes to temperature; substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, and inhibitor existence are made considering the kinetics of a specific enzyme? While examining the results these variables significant to the enzyme kinetics will provide a understanding of the general enzyme activity. Observing the end products of each chemical reaction that included an enzyme produced a velocity of that certain enzyme involved, which is measured. These results in this experiment will show temperature change, substrate concentration change, enzyme concentration change, and existence of an inhibitor produce a positive or negative effect on the enzymes activity.
[S]: Substrate concentration …show more content…

A citrate buffer at a 7.2 pH will be added with the peeled potato skins into the juicer to have a constant pH. After obtaining the potato juice, filter the obtained juice through four-layer cheesecloth to remove any clumps of potato skin and the clean the juicer right away.
Eudiometer …show more content…

While this setup will help test how the enzyme activity through all types of variables made for this experiment. The simple eudiometer is setup with a closed burette that is filled with deionized water, inverting the burette to have it secured in place with it’s ring stand & clamp inside a 800 mL beaker filled with tap water. Having the burette completely filled to have accurate readings, will be the best option and the values will be decreasing since the burette is inverted. The catalyzed-catalase reaction will occur in a detached 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask that will be connected to the inverted burette with a tube passing through the top of the stopper. 1 mL of the Hydrogen Peroxide will be injected to the top of the flask that contains the 7.2 pH buffer solution and specific enzyme through a syringe. Once having to shake the flask, it will produce an oxygen bubble that will pass through the hose and into the burette to remove the water. The water that’s removed will be the value that is equivalent to the amount of oxygen produced from the reaction. Readings of oxygen development are made every 10 seconds during the first minute of reaction and every 15 seconds for the remaining minute over a 2-minute period. The starting bubble will begin after the hydrogen peroxide is inserted into the flask, after the initial bubble has passed through the burette, you

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