
Lab Report Titration

Decent Essays

Abstract: In this experiment, our team analyzed an unknown acid and a sample of vinegar solution by the process of titration using a 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution as the titrant, as this solution is a strong base. In addition, our team members used phenolphthalein as indicator in the reaction.
Introduction: First of all, for this experiment our team made use of several glassware, such as a buret, three 250 mL erlenmeyer flask, and a 10 mL flask. Additional, we also used a buret clamp, a plastic bottle with stopper, sodium hydroxide in form of pellets, potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP), phenolphthalein as indicator, unknown acid and vinegar. The process of titration involves measuring the exact volume of the known concertation (which in this case is sodium hydroxide) that is required to react with a measured volume of an unknown concertation. Our team used sodium hydroxide, since it is a common solution used in titration analysis of samples containing a solute acid. Nevertheless, sodium hydroxide must be used quickly, since this solution can react with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and its concentration will change with the time. In order to not add an excess of titrant than the necessary for the reaction, our team made use of phenolphthalein as indicator. This indicator in particular changes to a pale pink color from basic pH. On the other hand, we also titrated a sample of vinegar with the same sodium hydroxide solution, since vinegar is a dilute solution of acetic

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