Dionne; article, Life as Performances: Dramatism and the Music of Lady Gaga presents that Lady Gaga's song Applause is her pursuit to identify with her fans by guilt-redemption. The author presents guilt as ever-present anxiety, brought about by social standards that motivate communications to behave in certain ways (Dionne, 2015, p. 26). He introduces that “Burke asserted that communications create drama by disrupting, resistor altogether rejecting hierarchies” (Dionne, 2015, p. 26). The reason for presenting these two terms in the paper is because the song “Applause” demonstrates the relationship between communications and hierarchies (Dionne, 2015, p. 26). The song illustrates that Gaga is on top of the hierarchy while her fans are below
Initially, I found Singer’s writing to be absurd and unrealistic. However, these emotions led me to reflect on myself and humanity in general. I was surprisingly led to the conclusion that Singer is correct in the sheer foundation of his argument. Ultimately the main reason why I originally felt offended by Singer’s writing is that he blames and inflicts guilt on us as readers. I do not necessarily agree with Singer’s approach, nor do I think guilt is necessary to his argument. This article must be relevant to me in at least some of its notions if Singer’s words can influence my emotions. If this were not the case, the article could simply be brushed off and forgotten much like an informative essay could. The main reason that Singer’s writing is offensive to readers is because it forces us to consciously realize that people are
In his article, Brooks strongly focuses on how protesting work with music based on moral, physical and perceptual. A song is written not only to sell, it is also composed depend on individials’ speeches that about peace, avoiding violence and war. Brooks expresses people against themselves when they protest because they would be arrested by violence, so people should not protest and ask themselves why they have to protest. However, actually, people need to protest because it is also their benefits that they must protect. Protesting and avoiding against themselves, it seems to be impossible, but it is not. Protest music can make impossible to possible. Brooks analyses how majority, chorus, and footnote impact to a protest music. In addition,
The proposal of this rhetorical analysis paper is to analyze how Simpson in his on-line article for the Australian Elvis Presley Fan Club, make use of ethos, pathos, and logos to appeal to the senses of the masses about how protest music can be subtle, but yet strong enough to challenge and change the social norms of America’s society of the fifties. Simpson has been
The only thing more powerful in mobilizing symbols, sentiments, and sensibilities than popular culture, is personal and shared experiences. What is so potent about pop culture however, is the ability of its participants to share their personal experiences to audiences than can both empathize and relate to the realities these artists present. This extended period of the civil rights and black power era can arguably be defined as the mobilization of the larger public by popular black figures whose individual charismas and drive inspired collective action. Some of these figures were exclusively political, many of which prominent intellects of race academia and/or known for their discourses that captivated thousands. And then there were figures that used their influence as musicians or writers who, with access beyond those with a conscious interest in politics, could incite people to think and reevaluate their lived realities through song and performance. Nina Simone is perhaps the most politically significant figure of the latter group, as she not only actively participated as a proponent of civil rights efforts, but became a pioneer in black power and feminist ideology.
Rhetoric is all around us and whether we realize it or not, we are exposed to it all the time. We can find rhetoric in all forms of media from Movies to TV shows from newspaper articles to social media. One piece of media that contains rhetoric is music, more specifically Taylor Swift’s 2012 album Red. Red presents several rhetorical situations including commentary on relationships.
Lady Gaga gave a brilliant performance in Houston, at the NRG Stadium and during the Super Bowl LI halftime with a clear focus on the message of inclusion.
When people think of popular music they think of party beats created for pure entertainment and nothing more. People do not see this genre of music as capable of anything else. The stigma of popular music only being a form of amusement for the mass consumer is challenged when artists use music to attract attention to social issues. This paper intends to show how music like Raï challenge the thought that popular music is only for entertainment.
The Grammys, a prestigious music awards show, broadcasted on NBC on February 15, 2016. This year, the red carpet was filled with the latest bold trends, baby bumps, and major hair changes. Once all the stars entered the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles, Taylor Swift started off the event with a wild performance of songs from her latest album “1989.” Later, she won “Album of the Year,” and “Best Pop Vocal Album” for the album. Lady Gaga performed a tribute to David Bowie. Adele performed a song from her recently released album, and was faced with some technical difficulties that threw off the singer during her performance. Ed Sheeran, currently on hiatus after completing a world tour, won “Song of the Year” and “Best Pop Solo Performance” for his hit “Thinking Out Loud.”
Lady Gaga was nominated and awarded for 3 hit songs and also performed live at the VMA awards. Her live performance of “Paparazzi” was ended with a standing ovation from the audience. The performance at the VMA awards sent her to the next level according to Cambell. Lady Gaga’s production and management team was deliberating whether to take the plunge into the 25 concert tour that was originally scheduled
In the 50s, women were generally expected to be working in either factories (assembly lines) or in childcare (whether it’s as a teacher or a nurse). Due to this accepted path many young teens’ mothers had followed, many teenage girls at that time felt the need to break free from that expectation and to find a sense of originality. In Lady Gaga’s song ‘Donatella’, she describes the empire Donatella Versace, the female vice-president and creative designer for the famous Versace Group, had maintained and controlled after the death of her brother and founder Gianni Versace. ‘Donatella’ depicts a young woman who has power to make large decisions for a powerful company such as “what do you want to wear this spring?” or “what do you think is the new
The audience may think the top of their heads might blow off, when first hearing the song “Mystery of Iniquity” by Lauryn Hill. The album that the song was on (MTV Unplugged No. 2.0) went on to sell 5 million copies. Sure, there are females that rap, sure there are other ground-breaking studio productions that were a work of art in and of itself, and sure rappers use lyrics that connect to relationships, politics, faith, and cultural criticism, but not like the famous Lauryn Hill. The poetic devices in Lauryn Hill’s “Mystery of Iniquity” reveal society’s inevitable self-destruction through societal stigmas and stereotypes, justice system flaws, and religious references. To all the people who said that hip-hop had nothing important to say, and had not a lick of musical bone in them, this song was a smack in the face to all the haters.
Popular music is often one of the best lenses we have through which to view our own cultural orientation. Many of the artistic and experimental shifts in popular music have mirrored changes in our own society. For instance, the emergence of Elvis Presley as a public figure would signal the start of a sexual revolution and the growth in visibility of a rebellious youth culture. Similarly, the folk and psychedelic music of the 1960s was closely entangled with the Civil Rights, anti-war and social protest movements. In this regard, we can view popular music as an artifact through which to better understand the time and place in which it is produced. In light of this, the state of popular music today may suggest troubling things about our society.
From pop star sensation to fashion icon, Lady Gaga has influenced pop culture in many ways. After her 2008 hit single “Just Dance” the singer quickly gained fame for her unique techno pop music. From there on she has acquired a huge following and quickly took over the world of pop music. The singer then used the newly popular twitter website to tweet to her fans. She encouraged them to love themselves, spread positivity to one another, and most importantly funded her Born This Way Foundation in hopes of helping bullied victims. Not only did she use her music and social media account to influence her fans, she also made a broad fashion statement to motivate her fans to be weird, different, and unique. Many people still remember her famous meat dress she walked the red carpet in, while others reminisce on all the outrageous outfits she’s worn over the years. Over the last nine years, this pop star diva continues to top the charts with her music, spreading kindness, and walking the streets wearing memorable outfits.
It is definitely a noticeable and alarming trend that has many upset to see the direction of modern popular music. Leopold first gives us the example of Lady Gaga. She is an artist that actually does have skills on the piano and in terms of her ability to write songs. Yet, before she increased the intensity of her game to the controversial content she is now infamous for, Lady Gaga was relatively unknown. She is not known for her musical skills, "instead, it's the attention-getting antics: the controversial videos. The in your face sexuality. The crazy concerts. The meat dress" (Leopold 2012).
The sociological concept called dramaturgy is very interesting and Erving Goffman’s idea is worth looking into on a deeper level to better understand it. I had previously heard about the stage theory before this sociological theory class, but did not really have a grasp as