
Landslides : The Termful Effects Of Natural And Natural Disasters

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Bangladesh is prone to various disasters having immense harmful consequences associated with different natural and man-made hazards. Among most of the natural hazards, Landslide is being prioritized as a matter of great concern as a result of its devastating nature. South-eastern part of Bangladesh is very much prone to this hazard with long history of instability since the people have been living there though there is not enough record of incidents. Landslides are frequently resulting in losses of both lives and properties which are being worsened with rapid and unplanned urban development and frequent changes in land use (Popescu, 2010). Almost every year, during the monsoon, the hilly areas of the southern part experience landslide due to both natural and human-induced instable slopes and causes tremendous damage to life and property. More rapid urbanization trend, other human development activities through deforestation and hill-cuttings have triggered the increase of landslide incident in mountainous regions(Mia, Sultana, & Paul, 2015).
Landslides are very common and significant natural hazard on the mountainous area in wet tropical climate like Bangladesh. Landslides include wide range of ground movements like rock fall, slope failure, deep or shallow debris flow etc. The definition of the term “Landslide” depend on its diversified use by geologists, engineers and other professionals because of its complex nature. But the term actually refers to the downslope movement

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