
Language For Young Children And The Early Stages Of Life Essay

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Language for young children allows them to communicate with others, therefore it is crucial that they develop language to communicate. Communication can be oral, visual, writing, and/or reading. Early education for children emphasizes on language for future development in language arts. There are multiple ways a child can gain language in the early stages of life. There are read-alouds, writing, playing, games activities, and other activities that can facilitate learning. Some ways to determine a child’s language development is to listen, observe, and test a child. A child needs an excellent phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, writing skills and other factors that play an essential role to have an effective language to communicate. If a child is struggling with their language, it is crucial that it is identified early so, there can be an action plan placed to help the child. For example, the child may need speech therapy for weakness in their mouth which affects their oral language. There are different options to explore to help enhance a child 's language. This language analysis will analyze a child between the ages of 4-8. In this analysis, there will be many factors discussed to see where the child development is in language arts. First, there is a need to explore the background information on the child and then dive into different aspects of language development, for example, how is the child 's phonemic awareness? Is the child on target or struggling

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