
Language Is A Process Of Free Creation

Satisfactory Essays

“Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied” (Chomsky). Throughout several cultures, each has their own set of ideas and rules for its language. One language could have several variations of the same sentence structure, grammar, or word definitions. In school, students are taught that language can only be communicated effectively through the proper use of language. This leads to the development of descriptivism and prescriptivism. The use of “proper” language is expected in effective communication, although understanding a language is guided by one’s own perception, cultural influences, and one’s own ability to adapt.
Descriptivism is nonjudgmental approach to language that focuses on how it is actually spoken and written. Prescriptivism is the attitude that one variety of language is superior to other variations, this attitude leans toward “proper” or “correct” grammar usage. A person who typically believes that language can be varied or unique without being ineffective is known as a descriptivist, while a person who is known as a prescriptivist believes that language can only be communicated one way to be fully understood. (Merriam Webster).
Perception can be affected by what the social norm is at the time. Tone of voice, fluency, pronunciations, and colloquialism affects the understanding of language thus affecting an individual’s perception.

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