
Law Of The Few The Stickiness Factor Summary

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The Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context were the three rules of epidemics in chapter one. The first rule, being the Law of the Few demonstrates that at least one person is responsible for your many connections whether it be coming from personality or their attitude. The second rule, the stickiness factor shows that the information that is being presented needs to be memorable and original it can't be bland or otherwise the information won't stick. The third and final rule is , The Power of Context. The rule demonstrates that the first to rules aren't enough to catch attention and the slightest thing might affect the growth of the idea. For example even timing can affect the growth. School has a great connection with the three rules .For example a teacher can have a huge influence and can even be responsible for the connections made in a …show more content…

In chapter two the “law of the few” mentions three terms “ connectors, “ “ mavens,” and “ salesmen “. The connectors are really the most popular the are responsible for helping you make friends. They have the most friends and usually it took them quite a while to get to that position. Not only do they have many friends but they also have social friends. A maven is responsible for knowing a lot of information and eventually trend setting. Mavens will probably know where are the best deals. They can be an expert in many things and will be up to date. The salesmans job is basically in the name the are going to try to convince you when you don't know something well they will try to give you a reason to believe in. I would consider myself a salesman because i am always trying to convince someone that a team is better or what clothing company would be great. In class the popular kids are always the ones getting in trouble. It’s kind of hard staying quite while being popular. The Mavens can represent the kids with higher academic understandings. They are well studied and know plenty about the

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