
Lay Of The Honeysuckle And The Lay Of The Nightingale

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Marie is truly one of kind poet who displays a unique sense of awareness and ability in helping us understand what things were like in the twelfth century. Even though the heart of her poems is about courtly love, the way she depicts the characters is special in a sense that she can achieve a lot more than one would imagine. Examples of this can be seen in her poems, The Lay of the Honeysuckle and The Lay of the Nightingale, especially when we keen on the characters of these poems. During the twelfth century women were not really given a voice and were basically limited to what their husbands chose to do. The fact that women were not able to go out and express themselves already gives us a visual of how imprisoned they must have felt. This is exactly what Marie does so well in her poem of the Nightingale, in that the lady was only able to see her lover from afar and was never able to meet in person. Also in this poem, the knight the women was married to was depicted as being a mean man, and Marie uses words like “wrath” and “malice” to describe the knight. While many readers are yearning for her to be with the man that she really loves, we glance over the idea that she does not have a choice. This is exactly what I mean in how she gives a double entendre, she is telling a story that engages readers while simultaneously showing us how life was like back then. However, there were a few incidents were women did gain power and severed as an influence for patrons for the

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