This eight week course has taught me a lot about what it takes to be a teacher leader but there are three areas in which I feel that I have grown the most because of the class, they are, scripting, post observation meetings, and it has helped me appreciate everything that my administration does.
The most challenging that I have learned from this class is how to script properly. I found this challenging because of my lack of typing skills and the dynamic of the physical education classroom. I found that the combination of the scripting assignments and the observation process to be very use time to practice my scripting skills. I have found that I tend to script better using freehand notes as well as using shorthand writing. This allows me
Being in this class gave me insight on the way that I learn. I’ve had my share of jobs along with schooling and various other learning experiences. Some good, some bad but I can honestly say that I never noticed the pattern on how I learn. Now I know I learn more by being more of a hands on person. Also utilizing my thinking and problem solving skills has helped with my growth. I also found it important to use my reflective observation too. Mostly combining different learning styles have helped me in life to understand the way I learn and the benefits that could come if I use my strengths to further my ambitions.
I learned that the assessments given to the students are important and should be done in a very organized manner. It was overwhelming giving all the assessments at once but it was comforting being able to have a partner. It raises the concern on how hectic it might be conducting all the assessments in a class full of students. My favorite were the one-to-one tutoring and the guided reading groups because we got to target the students specific needs and see them progress. The one I would really enjoy incorporating into a classroom is the guided reading groups, you get to help several students at once and help them grow as a
D-This writer met with the patient as she requested to see a Supervisor. According to the patient, she cannot stay to see her assigned counselor, Janice. When questioned as to why she is unable to see her counselor, the patient response was, " My mother is in a wheelchair and left alone with my son.....I have to go home." Supervisor reviewed the patient's alerts as the patient have a scheduled BAC and tested positive on 5/16/2017. This writer questioned the patient about this matter. The patient then says, " I am aware about this and the need to attend the alcohol group. I am willing to do the group session tomorrow." Supervisor called the patient assigned counselor to seek permission about releasing the HOLD on her behalf whereas it can be
Without our courses, I would not be able to answer this question as concisely and resolutely as I can now. The four courses that I have taken focused on leadership, curriculum, supervision and community involvement. Each of these had a particular focus, but I believe there was one single thread that ran through them all. The singular theme so far has been one of self-reflection. Every day I leave class thinking about the lesson and how it relates to the experiences I have had. I think about the styles of leadership that my favorite principals had. I think of the best feedback that I have
Master and Commander, produced in 2003 is about the Napoleonic Wars. Although not based on a true story, Master and Commander shows a historically accurate depiction of life on a warship. The film is set in the Atlantic Ocean, headed towards the Pacific. After receiving orders to “burn, sink, or take” the Acheron, the HMS Surprise, a British warship takes heavy fire from the armed French ship. After the a long run of the Ships evading each other, the HMS Surprise finally takes over the Acheron. Throughout the duration of this film, many Midshipman are portrayed doing their daily duties, during a time of war. The Midshipman vary in age and backgrounds, but are all loyal to their captain. While under fire, many of the midshipmen were tested in strength, perseverance, the ability to lead and follow directions in intense situations. Having only been a Midshipman for a semester, I only relate to the younger, inexperienced Midshipman. With the many technological advances and improvements to the rules and regulations, there is much that I may never relate to because if the time difference. By having Midshipmen deployed and brought into battle, they are forced to quickly adjust to their high stressed surroundings and learn to make best possible decisions quickly.
One course I feel made a big impact on me during this program was week 5 of PEDG 5372 Assessment Data to Guide Instructional Decisions. This course was taken at the beginning of this journey to complete my Master’s Degree, in the summer before my second year of teaching. I learned more about data analysis from this course than I did during my student teaching and my first year of teaching combined. I feel that teachers are expected to hit the floor running and there is no true training period or period of transition; you just have to know what you know and learn as you go. This course helped me to be more focused and knowledgeable about data and how to use it effectively. For instance, I learned how to dissect data in a way that I am able to drill down into specific TEKs and see where my students are struggling and focus on that TEK again in later lessons. For instance, I currently teach Juniors and Seniors and we struggle using context clues to determine vocabulary words. For the past three common assessments this year I was able to go to my data meeting with all of the data already broken down showing the three highest performance indicators and the three lowest performance indicators. Because I am only a third year teacher, my administration team was quite impressed with my knowledge. I have actually used the data analysis presentation that I created during week 5, to show my department chair how to break down the data we report more effectively and in a way that
I was extremely lucky to have amazing teachers throughout my schooling. However, one teacher that went above and beyond would have to be Mr. Sierra, my advising counselor and teacher in high school. Mr. Sierra possessed many characteristics that made him a great teacher. He always encouraged me to do my best and taught me never to settle for ‘just okay’. His advice has really resonated with me and is something that I have applied to my life in all aspects. A great teacher like Mr. Sierra, is someone who guides, encourages, and during this same process challenges
How do you think developing this course helped to develop your knowledge of pedagogy? How about of supervision? Were there surprises?
This week’s group leader Trinh came very well prepared, and was able to make constant connections to each of the previous readings for our group. The strongest point linked to last weeks discussion by Janelle in regards to the code switching and its implications for aboriginal groups and “at risk” students. I appreciated the fact that Trinh explicitly kept in mind the connection between aboriginal status and low socio-economic status and how this could be applied in our future work and field experience to aboriginal students as well as students of the low socio-economic status. My one critique would be taking more time to get more in-depth with the questions by somehow prompting the conversation during lulls instead of moving onto the next question.
This class also helped me become a better writer because now I carefully consider the best way to present information to readers. Sometimes a memo will do, but other times you need to create a presentation or set of instructions. Through this class, I learned the different ways to present technical information, which will come in handy once I am out of school and working. Overall, this course ended up being interesting and useful to me and I am glad I was required to take
“It is unequivocally clear that leaders are not like other people” (Kirkpatrick and Locke, 1991, as cited in Northouse, P. G., 2016, p.22). I have always thought that I was not like other people; I see the world through a different lens. This difference, which sets me apart from my peers, has sometimes restrained my progress; however, after studying my differences and seeing them as strengths, I can now focus on these strengths that make me a unique, passionate, progressive leader. In reflecting on my leadership skills, I will analyze the results of the leadership questionnaires, as presented in Peter Northouse’s book, Leadership:Theory and practice (7th ed.), connect those result strengths with the
In summary, this course has really educated my view of being a teacher as well as being able to interact with today’s diverse and fluctuating educational setting. Therefore, the discussions were very good ways in understanding how
As an educational leader, I have encountered several new and existing school policies. I never thought deeply about the various processes and the stakeholders involved in policy formulation and implementation. This semester I am engaged in the course Managing Educational Policy as School Leaders (EDLM 6005). This is Semester III, 2016/2017. My course coordinator is Dr. Timar Stephenson. Dr Stephenson was my course coordinator once before and was very helpful whenever I needed clarification or when I had a difficulty. I am thrilled to embrace the new ideas and learning opportunities embedded in this course since it teaches issues which I experience at work. Dr Stephenson, during his introduction reminded his entire class that success in this course would only be realized through hard work, dedication, and commitment. Therefore, it is imperative that I have the right attitude as I navigate this course. The course involves seven weeks of intense work. I am pleased to have a wonderful group facilitator by the name of Rhonda Joseph who has already given us a BBC to explain the requirements of the course and our first two modules.
I think this course has more prepared me for teaching in higher education through providing various perspectives and considerations around diverse challenges within a teaching and learning environment. This course taught about effective teaching practices that encourages a teaching professional to
This course has taught me and prepared me to become a better educator. I have been a teacher for the last five years, and I have never been challenged the way I have been through this course. This course made me realize my flaws as an educator and what I must do to become better. The world of administration is not the same as the world of a teacher, and this course showed how to be successful in both worlds. Throughout this course every week each student was assigned a report. Some of these reports were accompanied with power point presentations and charts. Throughout this paper I will reflect on each report that was assigned to the class and I will take one of them and explain how I would modify it. Not only will I explain my modifications, I will also discuss how I will implement it in a specific learning environment.