
Leadership Flaw

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The role of a leader, or a person of authority, is one of the most crucial and significant aspects of any environment. Without a leader nothing would function properly. Unfortunately, many individuals assume that they can lead when that is simply not the case. Many poor leaders are egotistical people who are unable to be effective leaders. A great leader is someone who knows and understands that no matter how effective they are there are still more to do. Many people have one major flaw that hinders their ability to lead others. This flaw is the ability to listen. Without this ability a lot of confusion will arise. The main clue that a leader does not have good listening properties is when there are enormous amounts of miscommunication and misunderstandings in a group of individuals. This flaw is not as detrimental and can be corrected by simply stop talking and listening to what others …show more content…

An individual who is a dogmatist is unable to lead an efficient group of people. Dogmatist tends to have followers who are unable to get their views and opinions across. They are also unable to have disagreements because diversity is frowned upon. There is little that can be done to change a person with this frame of mind. The only way this group would be able to function is if there is a secondary leader in place to mediate between the group and the primary leader. While there are many poor leaders, a trait that can directly change that is the ability to be humble. People do not even realize how vital this is to a well functioning group. No one wants someone leading them who always make statements like, “You guys would be nothing without me,” or “I saved the day.” The ability to be humble will ensure that everyone is heard and understand that they are needed. A humble leader also shows that even though they are in charge they will be doing the same tasks as their

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