
Leadership Style Does Not Automatically Suit All Leadership Situations

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One leadership style does not automatically suit all leadership situations. An accomplished leader requires an awareness of when to be at variance with their leadership approach in accordance to a situation, in order to achieve successful outcomes while corresponding with the interests of group and its members. As clearly evident in an educational context, differing styles of leadership are required from a hierarchical perspective between staff and staff and staff and student interaction. For principals and teachers to be effective leaders, they must apply various leadership styles that are adaptive to varying situations and the individuals involved. This essay will define authoritarian leadership and illustrate when this is leadership …show more content…

As defined by Christopher Kossen, Eleanor F. Keirnan & Jill E, Lawrence, (2013, p.321), the authoritarian leadership style, often referred to as autocratic leadership “is where the leader of a group makes the decisions for the group and commands from subordinates”. An authoritarian style of leadership is the most effective style to use when “a principal or staff members must make a decisions quickly, without time to consult other members of staff, it helps to minimize staff, groups or teams missing important deadlines and prevents teachers from becoming stagnant because of poor organization or lack of leadership”, (University, 2015). However, there are always downsides to a leadership style. Authoritarian leadership can “create conflict within the teaching environment, inviting potential abuse by overly powerful personalities, stifle staff and team creativity, inexperienced staff members or students may not react well to dictatorial leadership and can discourage open communication between staff and staff or staff and students”, (University, 2015). Within an educational context, variant uses of leadership styles are required, either between principals and teachers and staff and student interaction. For example, a principle or teacher may devote an authoritarian style of leadership towards students in order to enhance a student’s academic

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