
Learning: Classical Conditioning

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Learning is more than a person sitting at a desk and studying off a book. Everything that we do is a result of what we have learned. We respond to things that happen to us, we act and experience consequences from our behavior, and we observe what others say and do. Psychologists explain our many experiences with basic learning processes.
"Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience (Santrock, p.146)." By learning how to use a computer you will change from being someone who could not operate a computer to being one who can. Learning anything new involves change. You learned how to use a computer through experience with the machine. Once you have learned to use a computer, the …show more content…

He keeps nagging. Finally you get tired of the nagging and clean out the garage. Your response removed the unpleasant stimulus. "Whereas punishment refers to a consequence that decreases the likelihood a behavior will occur (Santrock, p.161)." "In positive punishment, a behavior decreases when it is followed by an unpleasant stimulus (Santrock, p.162)." Many people associate this by yelling at children or beating them. Positive punishment is often not a good idea. "In negative punishment, a behavior decreases when a positive stimulus is removed from it (Santrock, p.162)." Time-out is a form of negative punishment in which a child is removed from a positive reinforcement.
"Observational learning, also called imitation or modeling, is learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates someone 's behavior (Santrock, p.165)." Albert Bandura described four main processes: attention, retention, motor reproduction, and reinforcement. "Before people can reproduce a model 's actions, they must attend to what the model is saying or doing. To reproduce an action, you must retain the information and keep it in memory so that it can be retrieved. People might attend to a model and
Thai, 4 code in memory what they have seen, but because of limitations in motor development they might not be able to reproduce the model 's action (Santrock,

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