
Legislative Branch Rules Everything Around Essay

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The Branches of Government
It all goes back to the framers of the Constitution, who are the Founding Fathers. They wanted to form a government that did not allow one person or group to have too much control and authority. The Articles of Confederation was created and taught them that there was no need to have a centralized government. The Framers wrote the Constitution to provide Separation of Powers. It each has its own responsibilities of its own yet at the same time, they work together to make the country better and run smoothly. In lots of different ways they all need each other. It assures the rights of citizens so they are not ignored or disallowed. Overtime, times have changed and they aren’t a fair and equal government. This is …show more content…

There are agencies such as Liberty of Congress, Congressional Budget Office, Government Printing Office, and are examples of support services for the Congress. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention from larger and more populated states wanted congressional depiction to be based upon population. Afraid of power, delegates from minor states wanted equal representation. The Great Compromise resulted in creation of the two houses, with representation based on population in one and with equal representation in the other. Now members of Congress are elected by a straight vote of the people of the state they represent. The Senate was sighted as representative of state governments, not of the people. It was the responsibility of Senators to make certain that their state was treated equally in laws. The president also needs their approval on bills to raise money and all laws must pass before going to the president. Some of the powers they have are: to declare war, raise and support armies, regulate commerce, and more. One’s they did not have are: cannot suspend Habeas Corpus, cannot tax interstate commerce, and cannot take money from treasury unless told to do so. As a whole, the Legislative Branch is charged with passing the nation’s laws and assigning funds for the running of the federal government and providing assistance to all the states.
The Executive Branch is responsible for enforcing all the laws. The president of the United

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