
Leonardo Da Chicano Analysis

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Italian culture and Mexican culture. Both cultures have some similar features, but they also have very different features. One feature of culture is through art. Leonardo da Vinci and Frida Kahlo were both artists. One of da Vinci’s most famous paintings was “The Mona Lisa.” Kahlo’s famous painting was the “Self-Portrait with Monkey.” Although, the paintings depicted seem similar, both of them come from different cultures and have different meanings. every artist used his own methods to paint his paintings which are very different from the others. Using different methods painting helps them deliver their thoughts to world with sort of creativity and inspiration. One main difference between these paintings is the artists themselves. Leonardo da Vinci lived during the Italian Renaissance period. Not only was da Vinci an artist he was also an architect, inventor, and military engineer. He was given the nickname, “Renaissance man.” The Mona Lisa is arguably the most famous painting in the world. Leonardo was moreover an intellect who loved to study science. Science inspired his own work, which …show more content…

In other words, what do these paintings represent. Since da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in an older time, many people do not know much about the painting. Although, based on some accounts the Mona Lisa is a picture of Lisa del Giaconda. If we break down the painting it could have several meanings. A big symbol many historians recognize is her smile, which the Italian word “Giaconda” can be translated to happiness. Frida Kahlo’s painting “Self-Portrait with Monkey,” is a symbol of lust in Mexican mythology. However, Kahlo depicted this as a creature with his own soul. It could be a symbolic representation of protection as the monkey is wrapped around her neck. Her painting shows protection and certainty. Both paintings show the portrait being content. They are both relaxed in the background and search for

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