
Letter Against Vaccination Letter

Decent Essays

I am writing you this letter to inform you that it is important for all people to be vaccinated so they can be protected against particular diseases. It is also important because it helps prevent people from spreading diseases to other people. Plus, it is required by law to get vaccinated in order to attend public schools, colleges, and summer camps and youth group organizations. Vaccinations help all ages of people as long as they get their immunizations when it is required at certain ages. The reason it is so important to fight against diseases is because a person’s body becomes immune to certain pathogens due to cells in your body called lymphocytes. The pathogens help fight off the diseases. Then antigens are a part of a pathogen and …show more content…

So, when a child goes to school or around different public facilities where there are other people they will be safe as long as they have had all their required vaccinations. They will also be protected so they don’t spread to other people they come in contact with. This is why the law requires these immunizations. There are vaccines for 20 different types of diseases in the U.S. Some vaccines only require one shot. But, some require several shots at different ages or times. Having to have more than one dose or shot is called a booster shot. Examples of booster shots are, whooping cough, tetanus and flu vaccinations. These all require a booster shot. It is very important for all members of our community to have these vaccinations so these diseases are not spread from one person to another. The Center for Disease Control and Convention (CDC) is an organization which helps and finds or tracks different diseases around the world. This organization helps to predict certain outbreaks of different types of diseases and where they may spread. The CDC contacts this region or country where a possible outbreak may have occurred. This helps keep the spread of disease down and sometimes prevents illnesses or death from happening. So, I recommend all people in our community or region to make sure they have all these required immunizations. It is also important to keep a record

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